Fermín López turned into one of the big feelings of the season 2023/24, so much for the FC Barcelona as in the international sportive panorama. In fact, his big irruption did not happen unobserved for the seleccionador national Spanish Luis de la Fuente, the one who did not doubt in including it in the list of 26 summoned for the dispute of the Eurocopa, in spite of have not contested not even his first official minutes with the 'Red'.

The onubense already is immersed in the dynamics of the Spanish selection for the Eurocopa in Germany. To the term of the session of training of this previous Tuesday to the clash of the second day of this continental contest against Italy, that will carry out this Thursday 20 June, conceded an interview to the media 'Sportive World' in which it did not doubt in touching some subjects related with the combined Barcelona.

His renewal with the FC Barcelona

The one of The Campillo began expressing his big expectations regarding his renewal with the Barcelonan club. "Ojalá Can give . For me the Barça is the dream that have had from small and now can it fulfil. Ojalá Can be a lot of years in the Barça", stood out.

It is necessary to remember that, at the beginning of this campaign, the FC Barcelona trusted he and ensured his renewal until the year 2027, avoiding so it remained free in summer, since his agreement expired on 30 June. Nevertheless, because of the 'explosion' in his performance, no descarta that the club offer him a new agreement of contractual prolongation, as it mentioned previously in FCBN.

In his moment revealed that the agent of the player, Joshua Barnett, and the club have had a first contact to negotiate his permanence in the club until 2028 or 2029. To his time, neither descarta that his clause of rescission, that at present is of 400 M€, modify to 1000 million euros, turning it into one of the untransferable players of the combined culé.

The option to assist to the Olympic games

In the conversation with 'MD', also asked him on the option of his participation in the Olympic games to represent to Spain in the tournament of football. In this regard, Fermín did not want to go in in details on if the team would allow him contest both competitions. "I do not know how it decides this, to me neither have communicated me at all. I suppose that the club also will be to the so much. I do not know if they are speaking between Barça and Federation", commented initially.

However, it left clear that, if Spain calls it to participate in the Olympic games and the FC Barcelona approves it, will not doubt in confirming his assistance. "Obviously, if they call me for the Games is something that can not refuse. I do not know which decision there will be, now am centred in the Euro and already will see ", sustained.

The arrival of Hansi Flick to the Barcelona cast

To conclude, Fermín López also spoke on the arrival of Hansi Flick to the Barcelona cast, expressing his good perspectives when having a trainer of the category of the German, and expects that this give him an additional impulse to his career because of his style of game. "Personally, I have not known it still. By some teams that have seen of him, think that is a big trainer and sure that it will help us to achieve titles this year", concluded.