The selection of Spain Sub-23 has debuted with the right foot in the tournament of football of the Olympic games 2024. The ones of Santi Denia, with an important presence of players of the FC Barcelona in his eleven initial. The seleccionador albaceteño trusted the axis of the defensive line to two Barcelona talents: Pau Cubarsí and Eric García. Likewise, it positioned to the onubense Fermín López like a key element to create disequilibrium in the last third of the offensive field. The three players have surrendered with solvency in a complicated debut in front of Uzbekistan, cast that gave 'war' in the Park of the Princes.

In this sense, Cubarsí has been perhaps the one who less shined in the commitment in front of the uzbekos. The Catalan defender received an early yellow card, in the minute 6, after committing an infringement on Jasurbek Jaloliddinov to avoid that it escaped in speed. From this moment, the 'escudero' played conditioned by the caution. Added to this, could not show with soltura his main fortress, the exit with balloon controlled from the bottom, suffering some punctual actions of error.

Unfortunately, it committed a penalti extremely debatable after a slight contact in the area with Mukhammadkodir Khamraliev. After the review of the VAR, signalled the maximum penalty that Eldor Shomurodov converted sure enough for the 1-1 before the rest. Cubarsí Did not go out in the second half, being replaced by Jon Pacheco.

The performances of Eric García and Fermín López

On the other hand, his mate of saga, Eric García, had an exert solider that the young Catalan defender. In spite of a possible situation of penalti in the first-half on Shomurodov, that did not have repercussions, the one of Martorell was correct in the majority of the actions of the commitment. It intercepted a balloon, made two entrances with 100% of effectiveness in the duels (3/3), standing out by his precision in the passes when completing 54 of 60 attempts (90%) and hit three of five deliveries in long, showing as one of the best in defence for 'The Red'.

Regarding the offensive front, Fermín López occupied the position of mediapunta and was in the field during 76 minutes before being substituted by Adrián Bernabé. The champion of Europe was one of the most dangerous options in attack for Spain, being a player complicated to contain and forcing to the uzbekos to commit faults to detain it. Nevertheless, in spite of showing destellos of his technical quality in several occasions, did not attain to connect the sufficient with the balloon in key zones, having few real occasions to create danger in rival field, standing out only a notable attempt to the minute 55 when it was near to finish a centre that sent him from the left sector of the terrain of game.