The 'shock' keeps in the FC Barcelona after the announcement of Xavi Hernández on his exit when it finalise the season. It had taken the decision after the defeat in front of the Real Madrid in the final of the Supercopa of Spain and had not wanted to communicate it up to now. Only it knew it his nearer circle and the surprise has been total inside the club, so much for the directors -with Joan Laporta in command-, as for the players.

The trainer announced his decision after the party, when already all the staff, director and footballers had abandoned the Estadi Olímpic Lluís Compannys. It did not have opportunity to communicate it to the staff and has not been until this Sunday, before the training of recovery in the Ciutat Esportiva, when it has had to 'give' the face in front of his changing room. 'Esport3' has revealed that the reaction of the Barcelona has been of surprise but, especially, have seen surpassed emotionally by the message of Xavi.

The changing room, 'touched' after the goodbye of Xavi

Robert Lewandowski and Joao Cancel -although they do not carry 'so much' time in the staff-, could not contain the tears in the middle of the speech of the egarense the one who has detailed the reasons that have carried him to take the decision to step at the side. Gavi, that is in full recovery after suffering a complete break of the ligament crossed previous of the right knee and an injury associated to the external meniscus, also was present in the talk in the changing room and saw visibly affected.

"Always to death with you míster", there was writing Gavi, in his social networks, just after it announced the decision of Xavi. 'Sportive world' stood out that it was one of the players to which escaped them the tears in the middle of the speech. It is not a secret for anybody that the technician has given him his confidence at all times and that had found his best version, before lesionarse, under his orders.

Jules Koundé also has lived it with a lot of feeling, conscious that it is in the Barça, precisely, 'thank you' to the of Terrassa. It was a personal bet and the one who insisted to the sportive direction to launch to the career by his signing, when Chelsea had it 'tied' in July of 2022. Sergi Roberto, by his part, went the attendant to speak for the changing room and appreciate all the support, affection and backrest in the last years. They wanted to that the end was distinct.