All the youngsters of The Masia dream with debuting in the first team of the FC Barcelona and are not many those that achieve it in a so early age. Gavi Has attained it and his irruption has been unexpected, but impressive. It has been one of the 'engines' of the Barça in this first stretch of the season and has played it practically everything: 21 parties in total (15 in League and 6 in Champions League) with a goal and three assistances for the Barcelona picture.

Besides that, already it adds two announcements with the absolute selection of Spain. The past 6 October turned into the youngest footballer in debuting with 'The Red', with 17 years and 62 days, in a party against Italy in the semifinals of the League of the Nations of the UEFA. His performance has turned it into one of the young promises of the Spanish football and in the Barça are more than delighted with him.

His deployment in the last months has done him merecedor of the Young Award of the year 2021 of The Palaces and Villafranca, recognition that received this Thursday in the place sevillana. Gavi Received the prize of hands of the mayor Juan Manuel Fence in Chacón, in the theatre Pedro Pérez Fernández of the place sevillana, in a very moving act in which it was stood out his exert in the Barça and Spain.

Gavi, very thrilled

In the gala, Gavi showed very thrilled to receive the recognition, but also to play in the FC Barcelona: "Always I have been of the Barça, from small. Had clear that wanted to play there. For me play in the Camp Nou was a dream. And I have done it reality", adding that "I devote him the prize to my family, to my friends and to all the people of the village that know".

Likewise, the midfield player of 17 years spoke on his starts in The Masia, that were not simple. It recognised that "in the first months cost me a lot, but to measure that advanced the season went me adapting. At the end all finish well". A proof of this, has been all the 'steps' that jumped until arriving to the first Barcelona team.