The name of Ilkay Gündoğan has echoed a lot recently in the City Condal. The German has been object of several controversial situations related with questions like his criticisms to the attitude of the team after the defeat in the Classical in front of the Real Madrid (1-2), his possible traspaso to the Galatasaray or Saudi Arabia, his relation with Frenkie of Jong and Pedri and other subjects that has decided to clear one to one in an interview conceded recently to the media 'Bein Sports'.

The criticisms to the attitude of the team after the defeat in the Classical

The germano began explaining in detail the reason whereby did these statements after the Classical, where expressed his dissatisfaction by not seeing a different attitude between his mates after the defeat. "I can not me put in the skin of the others to know how received it, but only said honestly my opinion and my intention was not to attack to anybody neither to at all. I want to say, that whenever I criticise to my team, by what was, of course, include me I", signalled the midfield player.

In this line, 'Gündo' was emphatic in the fact that when it makes a criticism, begins judging to himself same. Besides, aseveró that has "sufficient experience to understand how works this business" and took advantage of to stand out the potential and the quality that perceives in the combined Barcelona.

To put end to this subject, the exjugador of the Manchester City reaffirmed his posture mentioning the level of requirement to the that subjects constantly. "Yes, only I want to improve increasingly. Even if we win the next party 3-4, 5-0, always will find appearances that can improve. Maybe it was part of my form to be, my mentality, but never with bad intentions or something like that", reviewed.

His possible course of the Barça in the next wintry market

Gündogan, with regard to the statements that arose on his future, linking it so much to Saudi Arabia as to the Galatasaray, was clear on the happiness that feels when deploying his football in the City Condal. It emphasized in the fact that, in spite of all the noise that has generated around this information, he is adapting every time better to the life in Barcelona and that has found a home, also with his family.

His tuning with Pedri and Frenkie of Jong

The German midfield player also tackled the subject of Frenkie of Jong and Pedri, to those who arrived to mention that it did not understand with them in the field. The ex of the Borussia Dortmund recalcó that these rumours are unfounded and explained his current situation in this regard. "I have to say that I felt me very comfortable playing with Frenkie and Pedri. I think that had some difficulties in the last party, but also were confronting to a good team".

In this sense, the one of Gelsenkirchen also reaffirmed the comfort that feels when playing beside two players like the Dutch and the Tenerifean. Equally, it spoke on the time that need to go back to synchronise . "I felt me very comfortable having to these two incredible players and brilliants to my side. And, honestly, we can not forget that both have returned recently after several weeks lesionados. We need more time playing together to accustom us and, definitely, the things will improve".

The relief of the Barça after happening to the eighth of final in the Champions

Finally, in relation with the classification to the eighth of final of the Champions League after the big party of the Tuesday against the Port wine (2-1), 'Gündo' explained how this result affects positively the morals of the team and how will help them to improve of face to the future. "It gives us confidence and shows that we are in the good way. We are doing the things well, although we are conscious that we still have to improve in different appearances, so much in our form of game as in the defence and the attack".

In this line, the German also exposed the significant that it is for the Barcelonan square go back to contest the eighth of final of the Champions League after the Barça was two consecutive years competing in the Europe League. "It is very important to return to the eighth of final of the Champions. It felt like a small relief, but totally deserved by the form in that we have played in the phase of groups", concluded.