Ilkay Gündogan en el Clásico ante el Real Madrid


Gündogan opens up in the Barça locker room

Published:2/11/2023 - 21:09h

Updated:3/11/2023 - 07:41h

According to information from 'Ràdio Barcelona', Ílkay Gündogan has had a conversation with the rest of his teammates to 'calm' the waters after his statements about the lack of 'blood' after the defeat in the Classic

Calendar of FC Barcelona

"I want to be honest but without happening me. I do not want to say something that would not have to. I come of the changing room and obviously the people is disappointed but after a so important party and an unnecessary result would like me see more anger and disappointment. (...) I did not come here to lose this type of parties or open this type of brechas. I also have responsibility like veteran player not to allow that the team leave that they happen these things", went the statements with which Ílkay Gündogan lit the controversy in the FC Barcelona after the defeat in the Classical.

They were some surprising statements and that showed the competitive gene of the Teutonic, but also meant a 'dart' to the staff and that lit the alarms by a possible dissatisfaction. 'Ràdio Barcelona' has informed that, with spirits to clean asperezas and happen the page, Gündogan has participated in the talk of Xavi Hernández and his technical body in which they have dissected the defeat against the Real Madrid and have done self-criticism to try improve.

Gündogan Took the word in the changing room of the Barça

The midfield player would have asked the word to offer explanations to the rest of players of the staff. It has cleared that, with his statements, was not signalling to any footballer in concrete and that was annoying for having lost in a so important party as it is it the Classical. In spite of the informations and rumours that have taken place in these last days, Gündogan is very happy in the City Condal and his intention is to follow helping to the team, especially in moments so complicated.

In the changing room culé had not existed annoyance, because they interpreted that it is the position of a leader and a player that is accustomed to win in front of a situation like which lived in front of the White House. Lto self-criticism is key and the culés know it, but Gündogan wanted to clear it all and avoid that the controversies from out 'affected' the good dynamics that there is inside the group.

Xavi 'deepen' in the errors of the Barça

On the other hand, Xavi Hernández also has taken part and left his posture more than clear. Although in the postpartido repeated in several occasions that deserved to win and did not leave a concrete speech, in what to the self-criticism refers , during the talk of the Wednesday and after a deep analysis of all the clash, has reviewed in what have failed and all what have to improve for, for example, can plant face in the crash against the Real Sociedad in the Reale Sand.