Héctor Fort surpassed with note his première in the left side
In front of the Barbastro, Xavi Hernández bet again by Héctor Fort. The cantero, that debuted with the first team in a party of Champions, surpassed with grow any expectation on his performance.
Xavi surprised with the titularity of Héctor Fort in the party of Glass of the King in front of the Barbastro. The absences of Joãor Cancel and Marcos of Alonso by injury, and the drop of last hour of Balde, forced to the Catalan technician to throw of the Farm. Fort Took out good note in his second party with the first team. And it did it playing in the left side.
The defence of them Corts stood out in his first party like left side. Hit in the taking of decisions, conclusive in the individual duels, sure in the recovery of balloons (did not lose neither an alone balloon), precise in the exit of balloon,... One of the virtues of Fort is his good reading of the game. In front of the Barbastro recovered nine balloons, filtered several dangerous passes to the rival area and showed very incisive in attack and correct in defence. It asked it, it looked for it and in any moment conformed after the assistance to Raphinha.
How it plays Héctor Fort?
The taking of decisions is one of the appearances that more has improved in the last years and worked with the trainers. It is a footballer superdotado physically, with a power and a speed that does him be different to the rest. Thanks to these conditions, his knowledge of the game is above the rest of players. Although no juice in his position (accustoms to play by the right or of head office), in front of the Barbastro showed to have a maturity and an intelligence to know read different situations of the game. His physical conditions allow him be a footballer desequilíbrate, fast and powerful.
Héctor is conscious that it has to follow working to achieve a place in the team. By his head only happens to work to the maximum and learn of the trainers that have gone him forming, of his mates, rival, etc. His dream is to consolidate in the first team, although for this have to play in a position that is not his.