Is Barça right? Pros and cons of the renewal of Sergi Roberto
FC Barcelona has renewed Sergi Roberto's contract for one more season, following a request from Xavi Hernández. It is a decision that, without a doubt, has generated many conflicting opinions... Are there more 'pros' than 'cons' in this decision of the Catalans?
The FC Barcelona announced the renewal of the agreement of Sergi Roberto until 30 June 2024, that is to say, by a year more. The Barcelona carried some time negotiating with the agent of the footballer and, after reaching an agreement does a few weeks, finally have announced the extension of the bond a day after the team of Xavi Hernández won the Classical against the Real Madrid in Santiago Bernabéu (0-1).
Precisely the trainer of Terrassa has been the 'culprit' that the one of Reus have signed his new agreement. Although in the last years Sergi has been in the ramp of exit because, between injuries and fault of regularity, had happened to a second term in the Barça, Xavi understood that it can continue being an important player in his staff by his polivalencia and, especially, commitment with the Barcelona group. They were the two factors that the sportive direction took in account to negotiate with the footballer.
However, some sector of the barcelonismo is skeptical regarding the renewal of Sergi Roberto... It is necessary for the staff? They could have 'dispensed' of him to look for another alternative in the market? It is a player that can mark the difference and do with a fixed place in the XI of the Barça? They are a lot of questions, 'pros' and 'contras' that are worth it to establish to understand the behind the decision of the Barça to renew to Sergi Roberto until 30 June 2024.
It is not a secret for anybody that in the breast of the Catalan club, Sergi Roberto is very valued. Since it appeared in the inferior categories of the club, in 2006, the footballer has stood out at all times by his commitment, delivery and fight by the T-shirt. Sum 339 parties in the first team and, although never achieved consolidate like a fixed headline, himself that has been important for all the trainers with which has worked; by his polivalencia, especially, and capacity to surrender in situations of pressure.
The polivalencia of Sergi, key
The one of Reus is able to play like midfield player, in his natural position, so much of right-handed side. It is a factor that has been key so that have continuity, because it coincided with the exit of Dani Alves, in the 2015-2016. The Barça never found a relief of quality for the Brazilian side and, since (up to now, even!) Sergi has been an alternative for the band. Although to defensive level suffers a bit more, is very effective to add to the attack. It is one of the points that, definitely, the direción sportive has taken in account.
When it splits of interior is where better has surrendered. A clear example was in the recent visit of the Cádiz to the Spotify Camp Nou (2-0), when it was the 'relief' direct of Pedri González in the centre of the field and finished the party with a goal and assistance. No only this, was very important in the creation of danger and knew how combine with his mates. It is not one 'novelty', put always has stood out his capacity asociativa, something that 'learnt' in his go through The Masia.
Commitment and 'help' to the club
Further that it is a culé of 'cradle', is not a secret for anybody that the footballer has been important in the last two years to help to the Barcelona picture in the middle of his complicated economic crisis. Although it is one of the 'holy cows' of the changing room, second captain and of the footballers with more experience, has accessed to have one of the lowest wages of the staff. It has accessed, in fact, until in two occasions to a discount salarial with such to be still in the club and support.
It is thus that for the Barça is a business 'round': Have a player multifacético, that surrenders positively and with regularity to a price reduced. They are conscious that achieve to a footballer that was had to be acting and earning a wage moved away of the expectations, to day of today is quite complicated. Sergi Roberto fulfils with the two 'conditions' and is a 'plus' that supported his candidature to renew by a year more.
The second year, optional
It is worth it to remember that, with the new agreement, the Barça offered to the footballer of 31 years a year more than agreement more another optional that, as it has aimed , would activate at the end of this course if both parts agree and fulfil a series of variables. Nevertheless, as they have left 'fall' from the surroundings of Sergi, is complicated that it is second year go to 'concretise', at least for now. It touches to expect to see which sucede in what it remains of this season and the next to understand, of some way, what could happen in the summer of 2024 and if the club decides to remain it another course.
It can contribute more quality to the team?
One of the points that has generated more controversy regarding the renewal of Sergi Roberto is that, in spite of his commitment or polivalencia, is not a player that go to mark constantly the difference in the Barça, as it is the case of Pedri González or Gavi, that to day of today are very by in front of the of Reus. Xavi Hernández is conscious that his excompañero is not the 'relief' ideal for any of the two youngsters and that, in appointments 'big', if they are not the two, in a situation 'normal' he would not be the first option.
From it does some time, in the Barcelona club have had the intention of fichar to a new midfield player that can strengthen this sector of the field and can give more muscle and experience to the team, a factor that contradicts with the renewal of the '20', that finishes being an alternative but no a fixed option. If it arrives some signing in the summer, would remain more 'settled' in the bench, as it comes doing lately.
It subtracts a 'index card' if it wants to go out to 'fish'
Of face to the summer, does not foresee a lot of exits in the Barça, whereas the club has thought to go out to the market to reinforce . It goes to be more complicated to the hour of the registration of the players in LaLiga, because the club will have to do a lot of malabares so that all fit in the limit salarial and, for the moment, is a situation that do not have controlled. And, also, it is slope the new agreement of Ronald Araújo or Gavi (although it already is inscribed, but 'reviewed' by the patronal), as well as the renewal of Alejandro Balde, what happen with Iñaki Crag... A puzzle to the that it will be necessary to add him more pieces if index card.
His numbers no him 'back'
As we mentioned before, although Sergi Robero is a player that can answer to the requirement and pressure, is not for nothing consolidated in the team and his numbers in this season show it: Sum 23 parties in which it has participated in six goals: three has annotated them he and gave other three assistances. The worrisome, in any case, is that only it has contested 1.181 minutes in the season and that has been headline only in 13 opportunities.
Only the time will say if it hits or no the Barça with his decision to renew to the midfield player of 31 years. Has by in front the challenge to impose in the plans of Xavi Hernández that, at all times, has left clear that has he. After the party against the Cádiz, in which it marked and assisted, went back it to repeat: "Always it surrenders, always it gives a good note, never complains, is a captain tremendo, is altruistic, has empathy, is more than the Barça that the stick of the flag... Have blind faith in him. Claro that want that it renew. For me it is a guarantee.