Pique, on the future of Messi: "I do not know which is his intention, now he is happy"
Published:4/02/2021 - 21:48h
Updated:5/02/2021 - 00:59h
Gerard Pique has been 'chatting quietly' with the streamer Ibai Flat in which it has referred to the actuality of the Barça and his mate, Leo Messi
Gerard Hammered has been the first protagonist of the new program of Ibai Flat 'Chatting Quietly', the new project in the platform Twitch beside other 'streamers' with the aim to increase the importance in the panorama of creators of content in Spain. In the conversation, the player of the FC Barcelona has spoken on the actuality of his team, his mates, the Spanish football and the immediate future of the Barça to level of titles.
The Barcelona head office continues recovering of his sprain of degree 3 in the internal lateral ligament and partial injury of the ligament crossed previous of the right knee, that suffered the past month of November in Wanda Metropolitan. In the meantime, it strengthens his appearance like employer, but also has offered different glimpsed to speak of the actuality of the sport, as the one of DjMaRiio or Ibai.
The Catalan, regarding his physical ailments, has said that "am better of what thought that it would be" and works in his recovery, although it recognised that his physical state is not the best because it carries long without going to the gymnasium. However, it has recognised that works to recover and can contribute to his team. For now, regarding the last victories of the Barça, especially after the quarter-finals of the Glass of Rey, thinks that the Barcelona picture goes to by all. "I always go with the head that the Barça win", said.
In the talk, Ibai also did reference to that the Athletic of Madrid is the big candidate to win LaLiga Santander, by his big performance, but Hammered does not see it so clear, considering the exert of the FC Barcelona. In fact, the central asked "What instrument can win the triplete in Spain?", highlighting that only the culés and the Seville are the only that follow 'alive' in the three competitions: League, Champions and Glass.
"Sucedieron Events that finish of the best possible way for us because Leo remained ".
However, the most important of the talk has been the subject of Lionel Messi, the one who has been wrapped in a sinfín of rumours regarding his future. Regarding what lived in the summer, with his possible exit, said that "it is a very complex situation, on the one hand have the defeat in front of the Bayern, that was hard". Besides that, it has valued the personal appearance of all what was living the Argentinian. "On the other hand you have the personal, what means Leo for the club and for the sport... Sucedieron Events that finish of the best possible way for us because Leo remained . I do not know which was his final intention. Now I see him happy, with win to win as always and have it at the side is a guarantee of success"
Of the 'sextete' to the 2-8 against the Bayern
I hammered it has spoken on the differences between when it returned to the Barça and the 2020, with the elimination of the Champions League in front of the Bayern Munich: "When I began and arrived to the Barcelona the first year won the sextete and afterwards with 23 years won a World-wide. In this moment celebrate it but when you are young and win so much think you that it is the habit, a title more, afterwards follow winning and have the feeling that you are imparable and do not value the successes", ensured.
However, it has been clear in the negative of the last times: "In the last years, that have eaten shit, value more what is to win titles and succeed. What more works more luck have. The luck is very well and sometimes is truth that have to have this luck to win or lose, but in general goes accompanied of a lot of work", recognising that "I hurt You a lot of, but is part of the life. Some years win the sextete and another give you a slap that do not know of where has come and is a hit of reality. The failure forms part of the life always and is badly understood".