Zlatan Ibrahimovic, player of the Milan


Ibrahimovic 'attacked' Argentina after congratulating Messi on the World Cup

Published:25/01/2023 - 18:27h

Updated:25/01/2023 - 18:27h

Ibrahimovic did not want to be left behind and congratulated his former Barça teammate, Leo Messi, for his World Cup title. Despite the good vibes of the Swede, there was also time to crush more than one

Calendar of FC Barcelona

If somebody has showed through the years that speaks little, but when it does it no calla at all is Zlatan Ibrahimovic. The ex player of the FC Barcelona, Juventus and at present in the AC Milan, did not want to remain short to the hour to speak of the title of the selection of Argentina in the World-wide past of Qatar and in a recent interview left clear his point of view.

The Swedish did not doubt in elogiar the paper of Leo Messi in the tournament, standing out that "Messi is considered the best of the history, will be remembered for winning the World-wide of Qatar". However, when it wanted to stand out the Glass of the World that made Kylian Mbappé, also took advantage of to leave a 'dart' to the mates of Messi in the team albiceleste.

"I'm sorry by Mbappé, because mark four goals in a final and not to win it is very sad. But already it won a World-wide and goes to win another. I am not concerned by Mbappé, am concerned by the other players of Argentina", commented the Swedish footballer. This last comment related it with the celebrations of several Argentinian players, which were questioned in the world of the football

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"They (the mates of Messi) do not go to win at all more. Messi won all and will be remembered, but the rest carried badly and this can not respect. This say it like professional of high level. For me it is a signal that they won once, but will not go back it to do", closed Zlatan in the interview with 'France Inter', where was invited for being part of the film 'Astérix and Obélix: The Half Realm'.

During the World-wide, several footballers of Argentina were aimed by the press by his behaviours extradeportivos. The first was after the penal in front of Low Countries, when viralizó a photo in which it saw to Otamendi and other players tricking of some rival footballers. The same sucedió with the celebrations of Emiliano 'Dibu' Martínez after the triumph in the final in front of France.