The spirits are caldeados in the FC Barcelona, in all the sectors, after the eliminatory of Champions League in hands of Paris Saint-Germain. In addition to the disappointment that supposes for all the barcelonismo remain without the option to win the trophy by sixth opportunity in his history, the vesturario has remained 'divided' after the statements of a Ílkay Gündogan that, in his attempt for doing self-criticism, finish leaving a 'stick' to Ronald Araújo.

The midfield player Teutonic had aimed that "was in our hand and have given it to him to the PSG. We have given it to him of the easiest form. This is the League of Champions. It does not matter the rival, is impossible to trace back if one of your players is expelled. We are very disappointed. We felt that had the control of the party before the red card. If it is fault, is red card". It was a sentence that did not seat to big part of the changing room and that outraged, especially, to Araújo.

Panorma Little tranquilizador in the Barça

The central charrúa aimed that it did not go to speak in this regard because has "codes and values",p ero will be a 'drama' in this end of season that will give a lot of what speak, especially when the Barça plays the last 'bullet' to be able to try trace back to the Real Madrid in LaLiga. The chaos does act of presence in the City Condal and can be an authentic danger, especially by the division that apparently there is in the team.

It is not the first time that happens, in any case. In the Classical of the first turn, after the traced back madridista with two goals of Bellingham, Gündogan also had aimed that it surprised him how in the changing room were so calm after the result. The reason did not be him, but did not seat at all well to the changing room. Shortly after the own player aimed that it was a sentence from the self-criticism and there were not back incidents. In this opportunity, aims to happen the same and in the next hours could begin to resolve .

The conversation 'pending' of Gündogan and Araújo

'Sportive world' has explained that the intention of Gündogan was not, in any moment, signal or offend to any of his mates. It does not be necessary to overlook that the Teutonic is one of the players with more experience of the staff, that knows very very what is to compete (or no) in the Champions League and that comes of a season in which it was vital for the achievement of the triplete of the Manchester City in the past season.

Besides that, it is a player that 'throw' of the individual and collective self-criticism, because it is a born winner and does not conform with half good hour of game when the result is negative and that, much less, looks for excuses. It keeps his posture, because it is the reality of what has lived against the PSG, but yes that will look for to calm the spirits. Of agreement to 'MD', will try to find the moment to keep a talk with Ronald Araújo and clear the misunderstanding, in case that it have produced . Likewise, if it presents the opportunity during the 'half day' of this Friday, previous to the Classical of LaLiga against the Real Madrid, pretends to do a statement to resolve any controversy that exist in the horizon.