Ousmane Dembélé Was operated the past month of February of the break of the proximal sinew of the biceps femoral of his right leg, with a diagnostic of six months of drop or, what is the same, that will not arrive to time not even to do the pre-season with the rest of his mates. The worst of everything is that the French carries two seasons and average without having continuity by fault of his constant physical problems.

The French extreme hardly had suffered problems of this type in his stages in the Rennes or the Borussia Dortmund, but everything twisted in the start of his first course like Barcelona, in which lesionó of gravity again in the proximal sinew becoming operated and that went back to recaer shortly after going back to the terrains of game. Since it has been a constant and in France signal to the Barça as responsible.

In a report of L'Instrument, subtracts him culpability to the player of his injuries and ensures that his habits of routine are good and compatible with the ones of a sportsman of elite. "No longer there is any product precocinado neither sodas, only there are cool and healthy products. Ousmane Is well playing to the football and thought that only with this already was sufficient, but goes growing and learning. Today, it eats sea bream, sea bass, rooster and a lot of vegetables", explains .

Besides, they ensure that the attitude of Dembélé is fully professional and that in his lifestyle is not the answer to his constant physical problems. "It is difficult to see all this work and the bad luck with the injuries, because never they have taken care it so much. It is a boy very hogareño and calm, never there are parties home. I imposed schedules of food because it asked it to me and now everything is written. It is very professional", sentence.

It is then when the previously quoted media raisin to the attack and accuses to the Barça of the injuries of Dembélé, signalling the form to train of the Barcelona club like the main reason. It ensures that in the sessions does not prepare properly to the French, especially because in the parties, where is used to lesionar, takes part with esprints in the 90 percent of occasions, whereas in the alone trainings with 20%.

Michel Torin, that worked with Dembélé in the Rennes, also blamed to the Barcelona club. "Ousmane Is not the manager of his situation. It is victim of a precocious talent. In the Rennes had an enormous pressure in the trainings and parties, only that we do not kill it. If you see the photos, his osseous development had not concluded, had to grow. There was haste for doing him play because it is a phenomenon and is paying therefore. It is clear that played too much", argued.

Dembélé, motivated

In spite of that Dembélé is living an authentic ordeal with the injuries, still does not give by defeated and trusts his possibilities to succeed in the FC Barcelona. In fact, in L'Instrument also ensure that "it is positive, motivated and more than ever decided to triumph in the Barça". This yes, will have to expect, like minimum, to the next season.