Andrés Iniesta gives him a T-shirt to Xavi Hernández


Iniesta: "I don't know when, but someday Xavi and Barça will meet"

Published:27/12/2020 - 07:23h

Updated:27/12/2020 - 07:23h

Andrés Iniesta, a former FC Barcelona player, spoke about the possible return of his former teammate Xavi Hernández to the Barça team. The manchego assured that sooner or later the Catalan will return to Barça

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Andrés Iniesta spoke with the program 'Daifa' on the situation of the FC Barcelona, of the next elections and of the possible turn of Xavi Hernández to the group barcelonista. The manchego ensured that has very clear that the one of Terrassa, now trainer of the To the-Sadd, will return before or afterwards to the Barça, although it did not dare to say when will occur exactly this.

"This depends on Xavi and the Barcelona, but some day Xavi and the Barça will find , do not know when, but have faith in that this will happen", affirmed, without putting him date. The true is that it is speaking a lot of this turn that, seemingly, could be of face to the next campaign. Víctor Font wants to have it like big visible face of his candidature and, although it has not confirmed still, could announce before or afterwards.

While it happens the time and the Catalan follows without adding to the precandidatura of Font neither to the one of other prencandidatos, Iniesta speaks of him and has very clear that his return could be of help so that the Barça recover his essence and go back to his best moment. "Xavi has the potential required to do it very well with the Barça. I expect that all improve and that recover the stability of the club with the next elections because the things do not go well for the moment", admitted.

On the other hand, the 'Magician of Fuentealbilla', as it knows him in the sportive means Spaniards, also wanted to clear that it trusts that the partners of the Barcelona will choose the best option in the next comicios so that the culés go back to win important titles. "Of course, the Barcelona always is called to win titles. The partners of the club will choose to the one who see better president for the club", commented.

In this sense and centring in the elections, Iniesta confirmed that what more wishes is that the Barça recover the stability that has lost these last years. The ex Barcelona does not have favourite for the elections and only wants that the one who win give back the normality to the club. "Independently of the one who was president, wish him to the Barcelona that all go back to the normality, this is what wants each barcelonista", aimed.

Iniesta does not think in the withdrawal

Finally, it recognised that in spite of his last injury, that will have him in the dry dam some four months, follows having the maximum illusion by the football. The albaceteño does not think still in the withdrawal and trusts to be still in Japan a time more. "For the moment I want to enjoy and follow playing to the football, seat me well and am happy in Japan", concluded, without putting date of caducity to his career.