To fault of official medical part, Marc-André ter Stegen already would have gone through the operating theatre to treat the problems in the back that comes suffering from the concentration with Germany in the last stop of selections. 'SPORT' Has aimed that the guardameta put in hands of the doctor Afshib Gangi, recognised surgeon that is a specialist in this type of ailments and that has a long record of successful cases.

It has been, in any case, under the attentive look of the medical managers of the FC Barcelona. In fact, the doctor Ricard Pruna, doctor of the first staff, has displaced until Strasbourg, France, to supervise that all was in order. Although there are not complications neither worries regarding the surgical intervention, from the club have wanted to accompany him and ensure of the success of the same.

Waiting for the medical part of the Barça

The before quoted source establishes that the forecast is that it go back to Barcelona in brief. It will begin a process of recovery longer of the expected, but that it will be key to delete of definite way the lumbar problems that has presented in these last weeks and that have avoided that it was in the dinámiva of the first team. The success of the operation has not been communicated by the club, but the forecast is that in the next hours publish a new splits medical.

As we explained before, there is not planned date to see him again in the terrains of game. It will depend on his evolution. Some informations suggest that it could begin to train around the middle of January, but others see this date as very precipitated and understand that the medical services will be much more precavidos. The forecast is that it can be available for the turn of the eighth of final of the Champions League, that will contest between the 5 and 6 March 2024. In this moment, understand that it will be to 100% again.

Iñaki Crag takes action

In the meantime, it will be Iñaki Crag the one who lead the goal of the Barça. Already it has added three consecutive titularities, in front of Ray, Port wine and Athletic of Madrid, leaving on the way performances very positive in which it has put the 'layer' for 'save' to his, especially in front of the group 'colchonero' with two stops to avoid the tie. By in front, has too many challenges... But it has showed to have the maturity and necessary quality to face them. In the club are very happy with him and see him like the ideal relief for Ter Stegen. Of there that fichar to a goalkeeper in January was not a possibility.