Kluivert, in the Hospital Sant Joan of Déu / Emma Perrier (Social Work Infància)


Kluivert, Angoy and Toni Moog participate in the donation to Sant Joan of Déu

Published:30/05/2020 - 12:43h

Updated:30/05/2020 - 12:43h

The ex player of the FC Barcelona Patrick Kluivert, with other famous faces, has appeared in the Hospital of Sant Joan de Déu to participate in a donation of masks

Calendar of FC Barcelona

MaskPlus, faithful to his principles of corporate social responsibility, carried out this Friday a new action solidaria that consisted in donar masks of protection antivirales to the boys of the Childish Hospital of Sant Joan of Déu of Barcelona, inside the initiative "Any boy without mask".

To this initiative added faces known like the ex players of the first team of the FC Barcelona, Patrick Kluivert and Jesús Angoy, that did not want to lose the act instrumented with his masks solidarias. By part of MaskPlus participated José Díaz, David Torilo and Toni Riba, those who of form totally altruistic also wanted to contribute his help.

This action frames inside a very ambitious program of actions solidarias, with which MaskPlus wishes to participate actively in the fight of the COVID-19. The initiative is starred by five companies of the Conca d'Òdena, the one who has been one of the big focuses of the pandemia of the Covid-19 in Spain along the last months.

Toni Riba, CEO Of the company Alfil.be, devoted to papelería and Toni Izquierdo, engineer in equalised, devoted at present to the manufacture of respiradores, proposed to join his experience to struggle against the coronavirus. Alfil.be, Waterlogies, Barcelona Technical Consultancy, Leicester Trade Center and Diutex –textile and shod- invested 45.000 euros, and the result can see now in shape of actions solidarias like the one of this Friday.

Masks and a cheque for Sant Joan of Déu

Protective masks for the boys and, besides, an important cheque. And it is that each euro of the sale of each mask will allocate to the investigation in the fight against the childish cancer in Sant Joan of Déu. The humorist Toni Moog neither wanted to lose the scene, and in spite of the masks guessed the smiles in the eyes of all the presents, conscious to be making a good deed.

Although the effects of the pandemia begin to amainar in Spanish earths, Catalonia keeps on being one of the main focuses and no descartan more actions solidarias in the weeks to come or months of part of MaskPlus, always in profit of the most affected.

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