Toni Kroos in a match with Real Madrid


Kroos, against salary cuts: "They are like a donation in vain or for the club"

Published:8/04/2020 - 09:12h

Updated:8/04/2020 - 09:12h

Toni Kroos surprised everyone with controversial statements positioning himself against the salary cuts. The German advocates maintaining salaries and that each player allocates a part of each one to solidarity causes

Calendar of FC Barcelona

No a lot of days after Leo Messi announced that the players of the FC Barcelona go to go down 70% his wages for the profit of the club, Toni Kroos has decided to seed the controversy on the cuts in an interview for a half German. The footballer of the Real Madrid left clear that is not in favour that the clubs recess the wage of his players and commented that "a descent of wage is like a donation in vain or for the club".

With these words, the ex of the Bayern of Munich pretends to leave clear his posture on what thinks of the cuts. The germano thinks that does not have felt that the players lose money by his clubs, since it does not consider it something solidario. The survival of the teams does not seem to be sufficient cause for the midfield player, that also spoke of how this crisis by the coronavirus can explode the bubble of the football.

But before this, the one of Greifswald wanted to clear of the all the reasons by which is totally against of the reductions of wage. He thinks that would have to be the own players those that decide to allocate part of his gains to causes solidarias. "I am in favour that it pay the complete wage and that each one do wise things with him. To all asks them that they help where was necessary, and there are a lot of places where is necessary", signalled for a podcast of SWR Sport.

The clubs already are having serious problems to be still working without income and Kroos thinks that the panorama of the football could change completely if the stop lengthened a lot. "A lot of clubs lack income scheduled. Also it depends on how long everything goes to be unemployed. If, for example, the football goes back to play in May, surely will find solutions. If it needs stop until the winter, can imagine that some club no longer will do it. This would change the football such as we know it", explained.

In relation to this, to the wage of the players and to the inflation of the market of signings, the madridista thinks that after this crisis could do that the prices in general have to go down by force. "It is questionable if some sums of money still can pay. I think that they will arise a lot of problems. Some more, others less. Maybe this was not badly because all put in an a bit extreme level", admitted.

The Madrid stirs a reduction of wage

Besides, the international German recognised that in the Madrid have not communicated them have problems to be able to pay his wages. These words bump enough with what comes publishing these last dates on the white group, since it says that they could be stirring an agreed reduction with the footballers. For the moment, it seems that Florentino Pérez will have an escollo important in the one of Greifswald, that has left clear his vision on the cuts.

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