New conversation between Ronald Koeman and Luis Suárez!
Published:15/09/2020 - 21:45h
Updated:21/09/2020 - 09:16h
The Uruguayan press has desvelado a new conversation between Ronald Koeman and Luis Suárez with a possible adaptation of plans of the Dutch technician
The future of Luis Suárez follows giving tumbos since Ronald Koeman, at all more be presented like new trainer of the FC Barcelona, communicated him to the Uruguayan forward that did not go in in his plans for the present season. Since, the 'gunman' looks for a team of maximum level that yes have he, although the alternatives that visualise are not too abundant.
Until this Tuesday, the firmest was the Juventus of Turín, that has sufficient economic potential to cover the big wage of the player -of 15 million net euros by season- in addition to the need of fichar to a forward of reference. Nevertheless, the option of fichar by the 'Vecchia Signora' has dispelled because of the delay that could have in the obtaining of the double nationality that would avoid him be non-EU.
They will follow forming couple Messi and Suárez in the Barça?
With the alternative of the current champion of the Series To out of the table of game, the alternatives of Luis Suárez follow reducing although they are few teams those that can allow cover his astronomical index card. In spite of that the FC Barcelona is had to give him to the 'gunman' eases to find destination, the future does not discern at all clear and his exit could arrive to enquistarse.
Given the circumstances, Ronald Koeman could carry out a change of script with Luis Suárez. According to the informations desveladas by the Uruguayan media 'Digital Ovation', the Dutch trainer would have kept a new conversation with the Barcelona forward to expose him that, in case that finally do not find new team, will have he and will give him minutes.
The background reason, always according to the ditado media, would be that Ronald Koeman is very satisfied with the attitude of Luis Suárez in the trainings and considers that it is offering a good level. In fact, the informacones signal that the relation between player and trainer has begun to reconstruct as a result of the professional commitment that shows the international charrúa.
The situation is changing
Ronald Koeman follows with the initial idea of not having Luis Suárez in the staff, but the difficulties for the change of airs that is experiencing in the situation of the player would have changed the course of his future. Now no longer it sees so clear that the third maximum goleador historical of the club was a safe drop, by what it will be necessary to expect to 5 October, date of the closing of the market.