Clement Lenglet, in a file image


Lenglet is clear: "It was better to suspend the Classic"

Published:19/10/2019 - 19:35h

Updated:19/10/2019 - 19:35h

Clément Lenglet appeared before the media in the mixed area of ​​Ipurua after the victory of Barça and opined on the change of date of the Classic

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Clément Lenglet was one of the protagonists of the victory of the FC Barcelona in Ipurua against the Eibar. The central French was headline, gave the assistance of the first goal to Antoine Griezmann and was solvent in defence. After the meeting, appeared by the mixed zone to attend to the media.

The defender Frenchman left satisfied by the performance of the team, especially in defence, where he has been able to contribute more. "We did a very complete party from the beginning to the end. I am very happy", commented, adding that "I think that has been the best party out of house by the result and by how have played. The Eibar has not had a lot of occasions and we many".

"It has been the best party out of house, by the result and by how have played"

Lenglet Also was asked after the assistance that gave him to his compatriot Griezmann in the first time with a long ball, in a clear work of exit of the balloon. "We work it always, but had a very clear plan and have done well the things, looking for to the forwards so that they won the back of the defences", explained, after a plan that went out to perfection.

The ex defence of the Seville also was asked after the change of date of the Classical, of what showed in favour. "The problems that there is in Barcelona do that it was better to displace the party, but the decision is of which command in the League and Federation. We do not command at all. I want to play the Classical in any date. It does not be necessary to look for excuses if it comes us better or but, it is necessary to play it when it was", answered.

On the other hand, it did not want to think neither wet about the taut situation that lives in Catalonia and in the streets of Barcelona. "I do not understand this subject. Alive in Catalonia from recently time and can not think a lot", answered Lenglet, when it was asked after the subject.

It can Umtiti remove him the place?

Clément Lenglet went back to be very correct in the party against the Eibar but, to his side, played Samuel Umtiti, that also went back with a work of very good note. Both, compatriots, will play a place like headlines at the side of Gerard Hammered that, for now, keeps on being an indisputable piece in the axis of the Barcelona defence.