Robert Lewandowski en un partio de LaLiga


Lewandowski zanja cualquier duda con su nivel del futuro mientras apunta a la Champions

Published:11/10/2023 - 22:03h

Updated:12/10/2023 - 09:11h

Robert Lewandowski already is one of the four captains of the FC Barcelona after only a season dressed of Barcelona, although the last statements of the '9' show to a large extent of the why of this designation

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Robert Lewandowski has speaking again of public way and does not have dudaod in ensuring that the main aim of the FC Barcelona this season is the Champions League. In fact, the forward ensured that the Catalan club "wants to play a football no only effective, but intelligent" and that the work of Xavi "is increasingly visible", although it also spoke of how can follow evolving his career.

"For me, the mentality is the most important. Not being tired and not feeling pain, wake up me each day eagerly, while these elements are present, will continue my trip by more time. If my mind wants to and my body is smart, will look to the future", explained the forward. Already to his 35 years, and with two years more than agreement with the entity, the goleador equally wanted to emphasize in his level of the future.

Lewandowski Bets by his level and for litigating the Champions like culé

"For many, the age can be a barrier. For me, it is not it. To this age, aspire to show skills that before did not offer", detailed the Pole, leaving see that it knows that it will have to adapt to other functions on the field with the happen of the months. However, it sustained that "if it did not be of football, would not be here in the Barça and would not be to the level required. I have been working in the last years no only to be strong physically, but also to be strong mentally", stood out Lewandowski.

In the statements for the means of the club, the '9' also regretted that the past edition of the Champions finished "too prompt". "The Champions is much more important this year and all the club has put him much more emphasis because we are conscious of the importance that has for us", has explained. Likewise it does not doubt in ensuring that "we are readier", said.

The continuity of Xavi in the Barça will have his fruits

The reason is that "the year happened the things were much more chaotic" and "now there is greater stability". Changes that obey to the arrival and exit of players "but has kept the core". And it goes further. "No only of the team, but of the managerial structure", signalled the goleador. Before closing, Lewandowski analysed the work of Xavi and stood out that "in spite of my experience, still am learning of him. Things that can help me to mark more goals and be more useful for the team during the parties", finalised Robert.

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