BRUTAL: Messi, mileurista in less than seven seconds
Published:8/07/2017 - 21:22h
Updated:8/07/2017 - 21:46h
After the last renewal with the FC Barcelona, Leo Messi will happen to earn 76% more than the wage that had antaño, arriving until the 44 million net euros by season. By every second that happens in the field, the "10" earns 156 euros
After the renewal oficializada by the FC Barcelona in the last days, Leo Messi has happened to strengthen like one of the better players paid of the world when earning 44 million net euros by season, some figures estratosféricas and that still amaze more if we do some accounts splitting of the quantity of parties that played the Argentinian star the past campaign.
As it confirms "Bolsamanía" -the Barça has not contributed official data-, Messi earned antaño 25 net millions by season and now will earn 44 "kilos", what involves a rise salarial of at all more and at all less than 76%.
The most impressive arrives, however, if we take into account that Messi contested the past course 52 official parties with the FC Barcelona. His average of meetings contested by course is of 50,8, by what if we value this figure in relation to his new wage, from now the Argentinian star will earn 846.153 euros by party.
Or what is the same: Messi wins from now the descomunal figure of 9.401 euros by minute and 156 euros by every second, thing that allows him turn into mileurista in less than seven seconds, and in so only four and half win the monthly minimum wage interprofesional of Spain, 707 euros. In a minute and three seconds Lionel Messi is able of ingresar the annual minimum wage interprofesional, 9.906 euros.
It treats without place to doubts of quantities envidiables and inalcanzables for the citizens of on foot, but that to strength will serve to retain to Leo Messi in the FC Barcelona and avoid of this way that any another "big" of Europe try to tempt him with offers desorbitadas.
Independently of the wage of the footballer, fits recalcar that the thought of Leo Messi always has been the one to remain all his career, or the best years of her, in the FC Barcelona. It is the club that has given it to him all, and also the club to the that has done even more big in the last decade to base of goals, magic, eslalons, dribblings, assistances and a winning mentality that scares.
Messi, by in front of Cristiano
If we compare the new wage of Leo Messi with the one of Cristiano Ronaldo, his "archi-enemy" in the world of the football, will see that Messi wins 21% more than the player of the Real Madrid, the one who perceives 32 million euros by season. This yes, Cristiano also knows to amortise them well, since the "7" merengue played the past course 46 duels and won 695.652 euros by each one of them.
In any case, the differences salariales between Cristiano and Messi are what less logical. To his 29 years, Leo Messi finds still in the stage of splendour of his career, whereas the performance of the luso no longer is the same to his 32 years. The time happens.