Cristiano Ronaldo, beside Leo Messi


Complicity between Messi and Cristiano in the Champions Gala

Published:30/08/2019 - 01:20h

Updated:30/08/2019 - 01:20h

The good vibes between Leo Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo were again noted in the Champions League gala held this Thursday afternoon in Monaco

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Already it does a year that do not see the mythical direct duels between Leo Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo, since the Portuguese forward decided to abandon the Real Madrid to leave to the Juventus of Turín. Now, both only could cross in a party of Champions League between the FC Barcelona and the bianconeros, something that would be one of the parties of the year.

In spite of being moved away in the geographic, is unavoidable that follow arising the comparisons between both, especially by all the individual titles and communities that have raised during the last decade. This Thursday, during the gala of the Champions League that took place in Monaco, both coincided.

"I expect that Messi and I dine some together day"

In fact, even they spoke the one of the another leaving notice the more than evident good roll that breathes between both, that did not doubt in elogiarse mutually and in remembering with a smile the big duels that kept during nine years in LaLiga Santander, so much in the Classical as in the ránkings of goleadores or the Balloon of Gold.

Leo Messi was the first in speaking and remembered with affection the rivalry that always there has been between both during the last decade. "Already I said it in his moment. It was a beautiful rivalry, especially, because it was in the Real Madrid also. Now it is in a big team also and see it from Spain", commented.

Cristiano Ronaldo corresponded to Messi with a similar speech. "We have had this battle during fifteen years, think that I have helped him to him to grow and he has helped me to grow to me. This rivalry is history of the football", said the Portuguese, adding that "as you know have a good relation. We have not dined together still, but in the future expect that yes".

The year of Christian in the Juventus

Cristiano Ronaldo also commented his first season like player of the Juventus​. "It has been a special year. After nine years in the Real Madrid was an important change, but achieved three titles: the Supercopa, the Italian League and the League of Nations with Portugal. To personal level think that did it very well and collectively also. I am very happy to be here and to follow beating records", sentenced.