Desvelan The brutal wage of Messi after renewing with the Barça
Published:26/11/2017 - 11:29h
Updated:26/11/2017 - 15:36h
From the Spanish press have desvelado the wage that purportedly will earn from now Leo Messi in the FC Barcelona, after having signed this past Saturday the new agreement and have done the photography protocolaria with Bartomeu
Finally it gave the moment that all the barcelonistas expected with anxiety from did months. Leo Messi signed this Saturday the renewal with the FC Barcelona until 2021, and photographed besides beside Josep Maria Bartomeu for rubricar the agreement and put it by writing, resolving to the one hundred by one hundred the debate on a future exit of the Barça.
It trascended the length of the agreement and the clause of rescission, that will become of 700 million euros instead of 300 'kilos', as it had been up to now. What did not trascend then, since the FC Barcelona does not be used to to do official this type of data, is the wage that will happen to earn Messi from now in the club, with reason of his new agreement.
As it has published in the last hours the newspaper 'ACE', when seeming with the signature of the new links to the FC Barcelona Leo Messi would have happened to earn, from now, 40 million euros by campaign in concept of wage.
"We are very satisfied, in July arrive to an agreement but now have adapted the clause, that with this new signature are 700 millions and allows us situate to Leo Messi where has to be. It certifies the relation Messi-Barça, with the best player of the history of the world of the football. And it goes to be followed until the 2021 and is happy in the Barcelona", said Bartomeu this Saturday on the agreement.
In 602 parties with the T-shirt of the Barcelona, Messi has been able to transform 523 goals and deliver 201 assistances, winning 30 titles with the FC Barcelona and conquering besides 5 Balloons of Gold, in addition to other individual prizes like four Boots of Gold.
Serrat already can be calm
"I want to finish my career in the Barça", ensured Leo Messi after signing the renewal with the Barcelona club. Without place to doubts, a glorious news that will allow to the barcelonistas sleep calmer, and especially to Joan Manuel Serrat after his last open letter criticising the management of the managerial culé and the fault of information on the renewal of Messi. Now, everything is past water.