Dybala And Messi, during the Juventus-Barça of gone in Champions


Dybala, careful: "there is a big distance between Messi and I"

Published:17/04/2017 - 22:21h

Updated:18/04/2017 - 12:57h

One of the big stars of the Juventus of Turín, Paulo Dybala, has showed careful with the possibilities "bianconeri" to delete to the FC Barcelona in UEFA Champions League, and has asked also that they do not compare him with Leo Messi

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The big "Jewel" of the Juventus that finds between cottons but seems that it will be able to play in the Camp Nou against the FC Barcelona, Paulo Dybala, has conceded an interview to "Study Football" in which it has ensured that for the party in front of the culés will arrive to 100%, and in which it has asked to the media that leave to compare him with Leo Messi.

"Today luckily I could have a normal training, with the group. The last part did not do it because there was but brush and wanted to take care a bit, the trainer took me out of the training, the most likely is that it arrive to 100%, the fright already happened", has ensured.

"I am Dybala and he goes to be always Messi and it is necessary to enjoy it"

Paulo Dybala has clear that will not be at all easy for the Juventus finish the work in the Camp Nou. "It goes to be hard, for me goes to be very hard, but served us what happened with Paris, to be attentive that with a 3 or 4 to 0 they are not died for nothing. It does not go to be easy, has very good players, of half for forward are very desequilibrantes, but have to be prepared for what goes us to touch".

According to Dybala, the Juventus will have to take advantage of the spaces that leave the FC Barcelona. "Spaces up go to have, options go to have and go them to have to take advantage of". And it does not like him that they compare him with Leo Messi, when understanding that it exists a big difference between him and his compatriot.

Dybala desmarca Of the comparisons

"No me enoja, but already explained it. Like Maradona there was one and to Leo does not have to him have liked a lot that they compare it or are seeing always what won one or what won the another, also there is a big distance between Leo and I, and therefore I said that I am Dybala and he goes to be always Messi and have to enjoy it to him, by the things that does, what did and because it also is a mine mate".

Finally, has the hope to conquer a lot of titles in the future, so much to level of club as of selection. "I want to win in the Selection beside him and that there is not a comparison of what go to do I afterwards. Further that he to my age already had won a lot of things, it is necessary to enjoy more than one and the another and not being comparing".