Lionel Messi CopaAmérica


FC Barcelona congratulates Leo Messi for the Copa América and for his successful career

Published:15/07/2024 - 15:44h

Updated:15/07/2024 - 15:44h

FC Barcelona and Lionel Messi are two names that inside the football always will go of the hand. Like this it has gone back it to remember the Barcelona club, leaving his congratulation for the '10' by his second Glass America won with Argentina

Calendar of FC Barcelona

This morning, Argentina raised his sixteenth Glass America. The team albiceleste defeated 1-0 to Colombia, with a so much in the extention of Lautaro Martínez, allowing besides that Lionel Messi follow expanding his already impressive list of winners. Although the Argentinian captain could not be in the field, by an injury of ankle that suffered in the start of the second time, yes that it was one of the protagonists that the Argentinian team retained the title that already had achieved in 2021.

In front of this new triumph, the FC Barcelona did not doubt in congratulating to the that has been the best footballer of the history of the club, and of all the football in general. Precisely by this line arrived the congratulations of the Barcelona team to Leo: "A trophy more for the collection of the best of the history", wrote the Barça in his social networks, accompanying the message of a 'emoji' of a goat, an animal associated always to the best of all by his name in English (goat).

"Happinesses, Leo!", it completed the publication in the profiles of the Catalan club, with which Messi contested 778 parties, marking 672 goals and raising in three occasions the UEFA Champions League, in addition to achieving three World-wide of Clubs, 10 titles of League and 7 of Glass of Rey, among others. Regarding the list of winners of the Argentinian, the Glass America of this 2024 has elevated to 45 his impressive record.

Messi extends his mark like the more winner of the history

To the 35 titles with the Barça has added him his sixth with Argentinian, in addition to the three that attained in Paris Saint-Germain and the solitary title that has up to now with the Inter Miami. The 45 titles of Leo keep like the biggest quantity of all the history of the football, expanding to two the difference with his excompañero Dani Alves, the one who closed his account in 43.

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