Frenkie de Jong, trying put the bracelet of captain to Leo Messi


De Jong keeps the hope: "Messi is still in the chat of Whatsapp of the team"

Published:1/09/2020 - 21:19h

Updated:1/09/2020 - 21:19h

Frenkie de Jong is concentrated with the national team of Netherlands, waiting for contesting the international matches of the next days, and expects that Messi was still in the team when he returns

Calendar of FC Barcelona

It is very likely that are living the last days of Leo Messi like player of the FC Barcelona, but from the breast of the Barcelona changing room keep the hope that the situation can give a twist of 180 degrees and that, at the end, the rosarino decide to be still in the team. From the concentration of Holland, Frenkie of Jong has pronounced in this regard and has wished that the '10' remain in the staff.

In an interview conceded to 'Fox Sports', the young Dutch midfield player has confirmed that "Messi is still in the chat of whatsApp that have the players of the team", leaving clear besides that "expect that Leo follow when it go back, but is not something that depend on me". In this sense, has dodged the issue when they have followed him insisting in 'The Flea'. "I am not the person that has to speak with Messi to convince it of at all".

"Sure that a lot of people already has approached to him these days", has remembered, although the final decision only has to see with Leo Messi and, of course, with the real possibility (to contractual level) that it can leave the team. Of Jong, in any case, wait ilusionado the start of the season 2020-21 with Ronald Koeman like trainer, the one who already has said that it will do him play in a position much more resembled the one who was used to to play in the Ajax.

The same position in which it used him with the selection of Holland, no of interior but rather of defensive pivote, accompanied perhaps of another player of a complementary profile as they could be Sergio Busquets or Miralem Pjanic. All this without forgetting that Koeman would have requested to the Barcelona directive the signing of Georginio Wijnaldum, one of the hangmen of the Barça in the 4-0 suffered in Anfield two years ago.

Of Jong, the compass of the Barça

Ronald Koeman expects that Frenkie of Jong turn into the compass through the which build the game of the FC Barcelona this next season 2020-21, a work in which the young Dutch midfield player is specialist, and that expects to explode in profit of the team.

If of Jong offers his best level of performance, to the equal that the rest of his mates, the FC Barcelona will follow opting to all the titles. It will depend, also, of with which players reinforce the club if Leo Messi finish doing the cases. Because in the forward, mainly, it will be necessary to fill the gap of Messi, Suárez and 70% of the goals that contributed to the team the past season.