Gonzalo Higuaín, celebrating a goal beside Leo Messi

It did not agree of Cristiano

Higuaín: "You can not moving a finger if you are Messi or Ronaldo"

Published:21/02/2017 - 20:04h

Updated:21/02/2017 - 20:04h

The forward of the Juventus of Turín Gonzalo Higuaín spoke of his good series goleadora current and affirmed that this arrives thanks to the work. As except some cracks innate like Maradona, Messi or Ronaldo Nazario, the other have to "currárselo"

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Gonzalo Higuaín went back to elogiar to his mate of selection Leo Messi, beside other already withdrawn myths like Maradona or Ronaldo, to the hour to speak of his recipe to mark goals. The "pipita" left clear that for this there is not another way more than working, work and work... Except that you are one of these genii.

It surprises that the attacker of the Juventus of Turín do not mention to his excompañero Christian Ronaldo, with which had a relation complicated when it was attacker of the Real Madrid. A team of the that precisely says that it learnt of other forwards, no of the of Madeira. 

"I learnt of Raúl, of course. Also of they Go Nistelrooy, of Cassano and of Ronaldo, although only I saw him a pair of months", sustained the artilleryman. In fact, it went back to stand out to the Brazilian like the best leading centre of the history. 

"Ronaldo, the Brazilian, went the best in everything. It is the only of the that have seen videos and have tried to do the same things, but is very difficult", affirmed.

"Dybala Has potential to be the best of the world"

Regarding the typical question on talent or work, Higuaín explained that "you can not moving a finger if you are Maradona, Messi, Ronaldo and perhaps any that forget me , but the work is essential in everything. Therefore I can do what dreamed from boy". 

Centring in Messi and in his comparative with Paulo Dybala, thinks that this does not help to "the jewel". "I hate the comparisons. Dybala Has to be Dybala. Has potential to be one of the best of the world, but it is necessary to leave him be", concluded.