The Argentinian selection still is to the expectation of if it will be able to have the presence of his '10', Lionel Messi, in the commitment of quarter-finals of the Glass America against Ecuador, that will carry out next Thursday 4 July in the NRG Stadium in Houston. It is necessary to remember that 'The Flea' could not participate in the last clash of the phase of groups against Peru (1-0) the past Saturday 29 June because of some annoyances in the aductor right that drags from the party of the day two against Chile (0-1).

However, with the step of the days, the perspectives on the physical state of the exjugador of the FC Barcelona seem to improve increasingly. After some days of rest, the eight winning times of the Balloon of Gold could participate in the training of the 'Albiceleste' the past Monday in Miami, before his trip to Texas, and made part of the exercises beside his mates.

In this sense, through the social networks of the Argentinian selection (@Argentina), spread a video that shows a general summary of the session of training, in which it can appreciate to the star rosarino making some touch of balloon and 'slaloms' with some normality. Therefore, it will be necessary to evaluate how evolves the physical state of the '10' in the next sessions of practices of face to the clash against 'The Tri'. Nevertheless, as we mention previously, the perspectives keep on being alentadoras for the combined directed by Lionel Scaloni.

Who could replace to Leo Messi in the XI of Argentina if this did not recover to time?

Now well, in this point, also is possible that Leo Messi was not partícipe of the 'bump' against the ecuadorian, or at least no from the start. It suits rememorar that the main idea of the technical body is to carry it step by step and not risking his physical integrity exposing it to a greater injury. In case that this occur, Lionel Scaloni will have to decide who will occupy his place in the eleven headline, being probably Ángel Gave María the one who accompany to the centrodelantero selected by the trainer, that could be Lautaro Martínez because of his 'sweet' actuality goleadora, being the 'Pichichi' of the competition with four targets invoiceed.