Laporta Defends to Messi: "it Generates a third of the total income of the Barça"
Published:1/02/2021 - 13:58h
Updated:1/02/2021 - 13:58h
Joan Laporta has reacted after the leak of the agreement of Leo Messi and defended him of the attacks, aiming that it generates much more of what earns
The World desveló during his edition of the Sunday the figures of the last agreement that signed Lionel Messi with the FC Barcelona and the impact has been enormous. In the scoop of the Spanish newspaper, reveals that the Argentinian signed an agreement whose income rise to the 555.237.619 euros in four seasons, with an average of 138 millions by season. Later, also they gave to know that 'The Flea' will earn a premium by fidelity of 66 'kilos' in two parts: one before 31 March and the second part on 31 July, follow or no in the Camp Nou.
However, the reality is that Lionel Messi, although has an agreement multimillionaire, generates more income to the FC Barcelona of what earns annually. In fact, of agreement to the economist The economist Marc Ciria aimed that the Argentinian generates around 250 0 300 million euros to the year, by what the club, like minimum, has a profit of one hundred 'kilos' by season.
The information has been confirmed by one of the presidential candidates of the FC Barcelona, Joan Laporta, during an interview to 'Rac1' with Jordi Sufficed, in which it defended to Lionel Messi: "These news hurt because they hurt to the Barça and as there is a misgovernment, happen these things. The situation of the Barça does not come conditioned by the agreement of Leo. It generates more income of what costs. The economic team of the candidature have done a study and Messi generates a third of the total income of the Barça".
"Have indications that Messi is well in Barcelona and wants to remain , but needs to trust a sportive project".
The presidential candidate has not remained there and reaffirmed his intention to do all what was in his hands to retain to 'The Flea' in the Camp Nou, since his agreement wins in the summer of this year and has not renewed. "I will do the possible so that Messi continue in the Barça. Have indications that it is well in Barcelona and wants to remain , but needs to trust a sportive project so that the Barça was competitive".
Laporta Also gave details of the study of his team that reveals the importance that has Leo Messi for the Barça to economic level, revealing that "what generates Messi also is the emotional and sportive return. NOr has price what has done us live Messi", aiming in addition to eight of each ten T-shirts sold in the club are of the Argentinian and "the world-wide repercussion also depends on Messi".
The impact of the Argentinian does not remain in the arks of the Barça, but his impact in the field and to raise the titles in undoubted. Thus, Laporta has said that "without Leo had not won so much. The economic return exists. Leo represents 8,2% of the costs of the club. A team with Leo always aspires to everything. Messi does not guide only by the money. It is necessary to look for an imaginative formula to square it".
The ex president culé also has signalled that Messi will not prioritise the money to remain or no in the Barça, but that if it remains he would help, as it has done it always, to the economic health dle club, but "like responsibility of club, it is necessary to do him an offer like better player of the history that is, inside the economic possibilities of the Barça".
Already it spoke Laporta with Messi?
In the interview to 'Rac1', Laporta revealed that it has showed directly his unconditional support to Lionel Messi during these so difficult moments, when it finds in the eye of the hurricane by all the controversies regarding his agreement multimillionaire.
In fact, the presidential candidate commented that it sent him a message to Messi to support it and encourage it. "Yesterday I sent him a message to encourage it and that do not do case of these news because the culés want that it continue", ensured.