Leo Messi: "I want to stay in Barcelona all that I can and I want an ambitious project"

Published:12/09/2019 - 11:27h

Updated:12/09/2019 - 12:14h

In the last weeks, a lot of rumours about the contract of Leo Messi with Barça have been spread, but the argentinian is very calm. His intention is to keep playing in the Camp Nou and he wants an ambitious project

Calendar of FC Barcelona

In the last weeks, Leo Messi has been news in the FC Barcelona by several subjects, and this Thursday has broken his silence. The one of Rosario has confessed in an interview for the newspaper 'Sport', in which it has spoken of his injury in the sóleo, of the case Neymar, of the season that begins and also of his perspectives of future, a subject that has earned a lot of importance when treating of one of the best footballers of the history.

The Argentinian has been conclusive when they have asked after him the doubts with regard to his current agreement with the Barcelona, that expires in 2021 but continene a clause liberatoria for the summer of 2020: "In reality, I can not confirm at all because in the agreements there is a clause of confidentiality by which can not say at all. If it spoke would be breaking this clause. Yes I can say that I want to be in the Barcelona all what can, do all my career because this is my house".

"Neither I want to have a long agreement and remain me here because have an agreement, but because I want to be well physically, play and be important and see that there is a winning project. I want to follow winning things in the club, want to follow achieving important things. And for me it does not mean at all the clause or the money. I move me by other things. The most important for me is to have a winning project", has answered convinced, descartando the idea of a withdrawal or to leave to another team.

"The agreement did does a lot. My idea is to follow here the time that see me qualified to surrender and that the physicist allow it to me. Afterwards, as it is my agreement is not something that concerns me neither handle it I, because it carries it my dad with the president or with which have to speak. I only transmit my thoughts. I want to win. And I want to win in this club. This is my house. I do not have intention to move me to any side but want to follow competing and winning", has underlined.

"I will be still in the Barça while it see me qualified to surrender, while the physicist allow it to me"


Questioned by his impact mediático, the '10' has explained that it does not tire him be famous, although it has admitted that it would like him happen something more unobserved: "Tire me no, because thanks to alive god a lot of rare and impressive things and is very beautiful. Yes that it is truth that would like me happen unobserved. Especially when I am with my children in the school or in the street. Sometimes I carry them to the 8:30 of the morning and come me to ask autographs or a photo, and I all asleep. And they there; but well, I do not complain of at all".

Also it has referred to the commented relation with Cristiano Ronaldo, that proposed him go to dine in the last delivery of prizes: "I do not have problem. Always I said that I do not have problem with him, that were not fellow because we had not shared a changing room. Always what saw us was in galas or in prizes. I do not have problem. Even in the last gala is when more we speak and nearer were. I do not know if there will be dinner because I do not know if we will cross us because each one lives in a side and has his commitments. But if it has to give , there is not problem".

Messi stands out the difficulty that supposes to play in the Barça

Messi neither has hid when it has touched him speak of the sportive planning. Although it keeps that neither he neither the staff decide the signings of the Barcelona entity, has concretised that the tendency of the last years -of the last 21 incorporations only continue six- is not worrisome, but it is due to the requirement that supposes to play in the Camp Nou: "The players fracasan because it is very difficult to play in the Barcelona. It is the biggest club of the world and all what surrounds to the club is difficult, the fans, the surroundings, the journalism...".

"It is not easy to go in and soltarte in the Camp Nou. To many does not matter them and others feel it. When one is strong of head and unsuspecting, takes out this forward, but no all are equal. No all assimilate of equal way these things. It is not easy to play in the Barcelona by what is the Barcelona", has detailed, specifying that it is not question of the previous experience or of the quality of the footballers, but a subject concerning the adaptation and to the character that goes with each one.

In this sense, has signalled that the changes in the technical office do not affect to the cracks, but yes has demanded stability: "In reality it does not affect us. Yes that it would be good for the club and for all that there is a stability and that there is not so much change. The charge of the technical office is very important and would have to have a person that identify with the club and that it can have the strength and the power to take decisions, because it is the one who has to bring to the players that the technician asks and that his people of confidence think that are better for the club".

"It has to have a person of these characteristics, of a lot of name and of strong image for the rest of clubs and players that go to look for. I do not know if he will want to neither which is his idea, but goes to directed to this. Puyol Would be ideal for this charge. I do not know if to him it likes him or no because I did not speak it with him. Like image and what went like player and what means for this club, would be a very good election", has commented on Carles Puyol, that sounds to assume the charge of mánager general of the Barça.

Finally, it has gone back to express his confidence in Ernesto Valverde, freeing him of responsibility after the disaster of Liverpool: "When they happen these things all the world thinks in the worst because they do not fulfil the aims and had happened something similar the previous year. Although I think that this occasion was worse still. As I said in his moment, was ours fault. The technical body did not have at all that see with the party that did. Until then we had done a big season, dominating the league of principle to final, classifying us for the final of Glass. And it was more sew ours that of the technician".