Bouquets and Messi in a Classical


Leo Messi recognizes Sergio Ramos as his biggest 'enemy' on a football field

Published:18/06/2024 - 16:57h

Updated:18/06/2024 - 16:57h

The past two decades had surely varied of the best Classical of the history. This very high level translated many times in crashes between players, something that remembered Messi with his experiences confronting to Sergio Bouquets

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Lionel Messi continues preparing his debut and the one of Argentina in the Glass America 2024. The group albiceleste will begin the defence of his title confronting to Canada this Thursday (morning of the Friday in Spain) and in the previous of this party took the time to have a distended conversation in the channel of Youtube 'Had to All' of his nephew Tomás Messi.

There, Messi revealed several interesting points of his career, like the pain that caused him the elimination of Argentina of the Glass America 2011, which played in his same country and in which the albiceleste fell by 4-5 in penaltis in front of Uruguay in the quarter-finals. "Memory that in the Glass America 2011, in Saint Faith, me putearon in all the colours. To me and to all the selection, was hard", confessed Messi.

The big rivalry between Messi and Sergio Bouquets

In another of his 'secret', Read also affirmed that the player with which more has argued inside the field has been Sergio Bouquets. On the exjugador of the Real Madrid, the rosarino affirmed that "we litigate us enough. It was the player with which more me enojé. Afterwards we went mates, but in the Classical held us always. The Classical were intense", remembered.

The central defence is the footballer to the that more times has confronted Messi in his career (44), with a favourable balance to the ex of the Barça. Messi added 19 victories, nine ties and 16 defeats. Both finished his stages in Barça and Madrid at the same time and finished being mates in the changing room of Paris Saint-Germain between 2021 and 2023, raising several titles but without being able to succeed in the Champions League.

Messi already begins to do some plans for when it have to withdraw

Finally, Messi also admitted that it does not know to his country as it wanted to and that afterwards of his withdrawal of the football would like him visit it and go to the Cataracts of the Iguazú. "I have pending to know more Argentinian because I never had the opportunity and is something that speak always with Antonela, want to visit it. I want to can visit it, our country has wonderful places. A lot of people speaks me of places that I do not know like the Cataracts, a typical place for us. It would like me go", explained Leo.

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