Leo Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo, together during the Barça-Madrid

Good roll between Cr7 and Messi

Messi and Cristiano, so fellow during the Barça-Madrid

Published:4/12/2016 - 00:16h

Updated:4/12/2016 - 00:16h

In spite of treating of a party of the characteristics of the Classical, the cracks of the FC Barcelona and Real Madrid Leo Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo conceded a truce during the crash to embrace and chat with the balloon filming by the lawn

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Although the Classical between FC Barcelona and Real Madrid (1-1) was really intense and there were a lot of battles, some inconceivable like the one of Carvajal, also left us a beautiful gesture. The one who starred the two cracks of both teams Leo Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo.

It was in the fragor of the battle with the balloon still filming by the green of the Camp Nou when the two stars found in the terrain of game. There they took advantage of to embrace and chat amicably during a brief period of time.

At all that see with the extreme feelings that wake up different means of one or another edict, Leo and Christian were two professionals that saw while they exerted his work and, in spite of being rival, did not carry it further. The two close a supposed bad relation between both that already left clear that did not exist in the gala of the past Balloon of Gold 2015. 

The photographer Alex Gallardo captured a lovely instantaneous of both together. As although in some moments a football match can seem more a war by all what surrounds it mediáticamente that simply sport, the sportsmen already commission of humanizarlo.