Leo Messi Argentina2


Messi makes his debut in this Copa América and reaches a legendary scoring mark in the tournament

Published:10/07/2024 - 09:44h

Updated:10/07/2024 - 09:44h

Few things remain pending in Leo Messi's career. One of those that the man from Rosario has already removed from his list has been scoring in six Copa América, a milestone that he reached in the semifinals of the tournament that takes place this summer in the United States

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Without shining but also without suffering, Argentina surpassed clearly to Canada during the first semifinal of the Glass America and will play like this his third final of consecutive way in big tournaments. The team rosarino went back to show solidity in defence and Leo Messi had a good party, and especially a good first time. However, the best of the '10' arrived in the second half, when it planted the 2-0 in the start of the others 45 minutes of the party.

The Argentinian captain, that left clear after the party that "is a madness what did this group", left almost sentenced the party when it contested the minute 51, almost ensuring that yes it would play his eighth final since it participates in the absolute selection of Argentina. The '10' culminated a played that he same began by the right band, with Rodrigo Of Paul leaving a centre to the heart of the area, where Enzo Fernández found with the balloon and finished to the goal.

But when the shot of the midfield player headed to the rival goal, Leo decided to divert the balloon, marking like this the second so much of the party. Although the played was reviewed by the VAR, the so much was confirmed when finding perfectly enabled, and Messi premièred his account goleada in the current edition of the Glass America, reaching besides his goal number 14 in the tournament that contests from 2007.

But without doubts the big register of the ex of the FC Barcelona has been can mark in his sixth Glass America, a similar register to the that looked for Cristiano Ronaldo in the Eurocopa, but that finally could not complete. Messi, by his part, himself that has 'completed' his cycle in the tournament, further of what can happen in the final in front of Uruguay and Colombia. The forward has marked in the tournaments of 2007, 2015, 2016, 2019, 2021 and 2024, reaching besides his fifth final and remaining alone without marking only in the one of 2011, precisely in which it went the host beside his selection.

Leo, that in spite of not being physically in his best form after one overloads muscular, has left clear again that it never can him subestimar, especially now that is more near of the bicampeonato of the tournament that organises CONMEBOL and that in this edition had until six invited of CONCACAF. It is necessary to highlight equally that with this so much against Canada, Messi reached the 109 goals in 186 parties played with the Argentinian selection, trying close his legend in the Glass America with a new title and a new goal next Sunday.

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