Messi: "Neymar, Di María or Pochettino did a lot for me to choose PSG"
Published:11/08/2021 - 12:45h
Updated:11/08/2021 - 17:07h
Leo Messi made it very clear in his official presentation as a new Paris Saint-Germain footballer the importance his former teammates and friends had for him to choose to play in the Parc des Princes
In his first press conference with Paris Saint-Germain, Leo Messi left very clear the important that have been his mates and ex mates to the hour to choose to the square Frenchman like his following destination after leaving the FC Barcelona. "Obviously that have fellow and known in the changing room. It was a way to be able to decide easier. Looking the staff, one ilusiona with the aims that so much the PSG like me look for. Ojalá That now are stronger", commented.
In concrete, the rosarino mentioned to Neymar Jr, big fellow his of his stage in the Camp Nou, and to Leandro Walls and Ángel Gave María. "Neymar Was one of the causes, also Gave María, Walls, that know them well of the selection... This question also explained a lot to choose this place. Have mates and friends in the changing room will facilitate me a lot the things and is very important", affirmed.
I read also it admitted that it was important to know to Mauritius Pochettino to the hour to accept the Parisian proposal. "To Mauritius know him from does long. There is a vicinity and speak. Everything was very well from the beginning. The technical body and the plantel that has the PSG did a lot so that I chose this club", stood out the ex '10' of the Barça, that has a good relation with 'Poche' from the stage of the trainer in the Espanyol.
Besides, Messi recognised that these last years has followed of regular form Tie it 1 and to Paris Saint-Germain by his friends. Thus, it defended the level of the competition and his decision to play there. "I followed it because have fellow in the PSG. The French League has grown a lot in the last years and this does it more competitive. The others teams want to win to the Paris and will have a new experience, in another stadium", indicated.
On the other hand, it referred Marco Verratti, that was very near of the Barça, but with the one who at the end compatirá changing room in Paris. "It comes showing that it is a grandísimo player. In the Barça wanted to him a lot of years. Today it touches us that it was the other way around, that I avenges here to play with him. It is a phenomenon and a spectacular boy. All the changing room. They are the best of the world and ojalá I can help to achieve the so wished aim of the PSG", said, referring to the Champions League.
Messi, happy by him and by his family
Finally, it explained the important that went for him speak with Leonardo on how would adapt his family to Paris and insisted in win them that has to face this new adventure. "When I spoke with Leonardo the only that said him is that I expect that my family adapt well. I am ready, is a new experience, but the football is equal in all sides. I am very happy to begin this new adventure and know to my mates. It is all new for us, but am prepared. We are in a spectacular city and go it to enjoy. We are calm and happy", concluded.