Leo Messi in a party with the FC Barcelona


Messi: "It is not possible to win the Champions playing as we have played"

Published:15/05/2020 - 00:51h

Updated:15/05/2020 - 08:25h

Leo Messi returned to face in a new interview and spoke on various issues of interest. The Argentinean repeated that Barça needs to play better to win the Champions League, he spoke of his quarantine or his current physical condition

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Leo Messi was with the mates of the newspaper 'Sport' and spoke on several very interesting subjects for the FC Barcelona and his fans. It does some months, the '10' ensured that as it was playing the team, was impossible to win the Champions League. But Quique Setién said the contrary does a month and to the rosarino have gone back him to ask after his words. The six times Balloon of Gold has gone back to insist in that the culés have to improve to aspire to the 'Orejona'.

"What seems me is that the technician misunderstood what said or explained him badly what wanted to say. I what said is that playing as we came playing the last parties before the stop seemed clear that did not reach us to win the Champions", signalled. The captain matizó his words praising to his mates, but repeated that they have to improve of face to Europe. "Never I doubted of the staff that have and do not have doubt that can win all what remains, but not playing of this way that came playing", explained.

To close with this subject, the one of Rosario wanted to throw of personal experience and remembered that he already knows how win the Glasses of Europe. The '10' think that Setién is free to think on this subject, but that he does not go to change of opinion. "Now well, each one has his opinion and all are very respectable. Mine bases in that had the luck to play the Champions all the years and know that it is not possible to win it playing as we came playing", insisted.

Also it spoke the Argentinian on this return to the trainings after the stop by the coronavirus. The forward thinks that this 'break' has been able to come him well to a Barça that goes to recover to Luis Suárez of face to this final stretch of season. "As perhaps it can that this stop finish us benefiting, but go to see if they can start the competitions and here will go out of doubts. Then we will check the level that have or can have when we start", recognised.

Messi is physically to tope

By his part, Leo admitted that it feels very well in spite of the stop, since it has worked in his house to follow to 100%. "The truth that physically find me very well. I was training home these days and think that served me to keep fit me", affirmed. Besides, it wanted to stand out to his family, that has helped him mentally to surpass this quarantine. "By the psychological part obviously was hard for all because it is a very odd situation. But with the support and the company of my family, of my woman and my children think that carry the situation the best that could", said.

Finally, in relation to his more intimate family, Messi commented that these months has tried to do all what can not do usually in the middle of the season. The rosarino has enjoyed of his children and of his woman all these weeks. "Especially we take advantage of to happen long together doing things that can not do usually because we do not have time, because the boys go to the school, because we also have our obligations... So we have a good time being together and especially could enjoy of the boys, that grow very fast", concluded.