To measure that approaches the World-wide of Russia, Leo Messi goes earning importance in his country after another big year with the FC Barcelona. In full sportive and vital maturity, the footballer has recognised that no longer it costs him so much concede interviews, and has sincerado completely in an intervention in 'TyC Sports'. The one of Rosario has spoken of everything.

Although, obviously, the conversation has touched in a lot of occasions to the Argentinian selection, there have been several more move# away questions that have called the attention, between other things because the '10' has changed his perspective with regard to the 'albiceleste'. His motivation is maximum for the appointment mundialista, but also will do it very relaxed. The anxiety does not serve him of at all.

In addition to describing the possible signing of Neymar by the Real Madrid like "a very hard hit", the forward has spoken on his own future, and has been very clear. With regard to the insistent interest of the Manchester City has admitted that England likes him, but that is not a destination that go through his head.

"I do not need to go to another team to show him at all to anybody"

"Where I go to be better that in the Barcelona? I am in the best team of the world, in the best city and my children are calm. I do not have need to change of airs. I know that all the years have personal challenges. I do not need to go to another team to show him at all to anybody. Yes it is truth that one thinks in other leagues, sees the one of England... But to the hour to take a decision would be very difficult for me go out of the Barcelona", has argued.

In front of the insistence of his interviewer, that has remembered him that the father of Sergio Agüero said that it dreamed with seeing them playing together, the Argentinian has agreed of his fellow, but has esquivado the wrap changing the destination of the Kun: "I in the City, no... If it gives that we play together with the Kun will be because it fiche the Barcelona".

In his review of the group 'citizen' also has referred to Pep Guardiola, situating him as one of the causes of the improvement of the 'sky blues' but also of compatriots like Sergio or Nicolás Otamendi: "The Kun feels that it grew a lot of with Guardiola. Ands one of the best of the world and does you grow like player because it does you see things that one does not darse inside the field. Today the Kun is another".

Messi thinks on the Real Madrid and the Champions

In the review to the season, does not have obviado that the Real Madrid is in another final of the Champions, but Messi affirms that his capacity is something that motivates him. On the instinct of survival of the whites neither doubts: "Has players of the best of the world, we also have them. But afterwards it has something that is very his, that wins. Playing badly a party carries it out and to us costs us more".

"The elimination in Rome was a cagadón. We lost the advantage that carried, believed since we were in the following round. The environment and everything... That the Barcelona was in semifinals already is another thing. They go out him to play different that to the Real Madrid. If we had arrived to semis had been beautiful", has reflexionado, explaining that the next campaign will go back it to try.

Suárez and Iniesta, two references for Messi

Some of the memories of the rosarino also have gone for the changing room of the Barça, and has revealed that there are some references that traspasan the border with the football: "I Have had the luck to have extraordinary mates. But the become friends with Luis Suárez does that in the field was different. It seems that has something more by how carry us was, practically are all day together".

"When it arrived, we wanted to him because we knew it was it, what came doing in the Liverpool and with the selection of Uruguay. No only it has goal, infects you, runs, presiona by me, by all, runs you for all sides. It is a serious person, very familiar, is a spectacular person", describes on his fellow.

And neither it forgets of Andrés Iniesta, perhaps one of the "partners" that more will be missing him in what it happen a week. Leo Messi has wanted to remember with affection to the manchego, to the that appreciates all the lived together: "it Has been one of my big partners. Thank heaven We have lived things very good, practically carry all the together career. It has been spectacular to live it everything with him".