Messie will take legal action against Bartomeu and Tusquets
Published:3/02/2021 - 20:24h
Updated:3/02/2021 - 20:43h
Leo Messi will take legal action against the newspaper 'El Mundo' and against possible leakers of his contract. Josep Maria Bartomeu and Carles Tusquets are two of the suspects and could enter the lawsuit
Leo Messi is tremendously bother by the leak on the agreement that signed with the FC Barcelona in his last renewal in 2017. The newspaper 'The World' published without his consent this document of the that little knows how has been able to arrive to the hands of the Madrilenian newspaper. Precisely this is what wants to know the rosarino, that goes to arrive until the bottom of the case to demand justice.
As 'RAC 1', the captain of the Barça would have decided to undertake legal actions so much against the mentioned periodic as against the possible filtradores of the agreement. In this case, the international albiceleste would have five suspects that could have it fact, since had the document to his disposal. These five names would be the ones of Josep Maria Bartomeu, Carles Tusquets, Román Gómez Ponti, Òscar Grau and Jordi Mestre.
In this case, Bartomeu and Mestre, as ex president and ex vice-president could have it done. On the other hand, Grau is the General Director of the club and also could have accessed to the agreement, the same that Tusquets, current president of the Managing and ancient Commission responsible of the Economic Commission. Finally, Ponti was is boss of the juridical services of the Barcelona and therefore it is suspicious.
Although no all have pronounced , so much Mestre like Bartomeu have wanted to defend his innocence recently. "I do not know who has been, in fact in the club only 4 or 5 people have access to the agreements, also have it the lawyers of Cuatracases that participated in the negotiation and also the LFP has copy of all the players", affirmed the ex maximum mandator barcelonista in a communiqué.
By his part, the ex vice-president left clear that neither he neither 'Barto' had access to the document and that considers that the presidential candidates neither have been able to be. "I do not think that it was any presidential candidate and we neither fuimis. The agreements not even were in our hands. They were in the Club and in The League", said. Besides, it left to fall that all could be orquestrado from Madrid. "Whenever the Madrid goes badly, goes out something controversial against the Barça, and I do not create in the casualidades", commented.
Messi wants to arrive to the truth was as it was
It will be necessary to see in what remain all this, since Messi has empeñado in knowing who has betrayed him and has sold him to the public opinion. His agreement is something personal and thus it is so outraged by this so inopportune leak. In the weeks to come it will know until where it goes to arrive the Argentinian and who finish dotted by all east wrap.