Lionel Messi will not play in the Paris Saint-Germain in the next season. As they coincide several sources, the father of the footballer of 35 years has communicated to the directive of the French club that will not renew his agreement, that wins the next 30 June, and will do his cases after two seasons. There is not gone back backwards in his position, especially after the punishment that has received of two weeks without training, play or earn his wage.

The relation between the champion of the world and the club chaired by Nasser To the-Khelaifi is entirely broken. To the leaders did not seat him well that it have travelled without presumptive permission to Saudi Arabia, the Monday, when the rest of the staff was training after the defeat of the Sunday against the Lorient (1-3). By his part, to the player bothered him the punishment. His version is that it did not have knowledgeable of the session, because it is not normal that train the days Monday when there is not party intersemanal. It has been the drop that satisfied the glass.

The definite decision of Leo Messi

Although up to now it had kept the prudence, the panorama for Leo Messi is very clear of face the summer: it will abandon the capital of France. The skilled journalist in the market of signings, Fabrizio Romano, has explained that the definite decision had taken it does a month, at variance with the project that had presented him the team of face to the next course.

In concrete, has informed that "Messi will leave Paris Saint-Germain at the end of the season. No longer there are doubts in this regard. Behind scene, now knows that the father of Leo, Jorge, communicated him the decision to the PSG does already a month because of the project". Now, it opens a new stage for the player of 35 years, place will have to find a new club. Go back to the FC Barcelona is his alternative 'preferred', but before from the City Condal will have to do the works to do space in his mass salarial.

Leo Messi, more near of Barcelona?

What up to now have been rumours, is increasingly near to confirm . The Barcelona picture would have real options to achieve the return of 'The Flea' for the next course. It is worth it to remember that it saw forced to abandon the club in 2021, because they could not renew him to consequence of the problems with the 'fair play' financial. Two years afterwards, the history is very similiar... Although there is more time of margin.

In case that it concretise , Messi would return to the picture blaugrana like free agent and with a lower wage to the that perceives at present in Paris or to the that had before leaving of the Spotify Camp Nou. However, at present the problem roots in that the culés would not have how inscribe him because there is not margin salarial and would have to free around 200 million euros to inscribe, in principle, to the players that recently renewed his agreements: Gavi, Ronald Araújo, Sergi Roberto...

The last reverse of LaLiga

It is worth it to remember that, it does so alone some days, went out to the light that the FC Barcelona has not reached an economic agreement with LaLiga to concretise the return of the Argentinian in summer. The club presented a plan of financial feasibility that allowed them free the excedente of mass salarial in three years, but there is not green light. The patronal understands that the leaf of route is very far to fulfil with the parameters.

In this sense, for Joan Laporta and company continues being essential to free space in the mass salarial with the sale of players, cessions and discounts of the wages. They have to act rapido for 'fix' the accounts, inscribe to the renewed and, finally, negotiate the return of Messi. The way is distinguished and only does lacking to know if they will be able to visit it.