The summit Bartomeu-Jorge Messi, without agreement: The Barça won't negotiate an exit
Published:2/09/2020 - 21:13h
Updated:3/09/2020 - 08:31h
The meeting between the father of Messi and Bartomeu has finished without agreement. The two parts will be still in conversations for refloat a situation that is supported by inflexible postures
As it foresaw , the first face-to-face summit between the president Josep Maria Bartomeu and the father of Leo Messi, Jorge, as maximum representatives of two positions antagónicas, has finished without agreement. The FC Barcelona keeps inflexible in his posture of no traspasar to the Argentinian star neither much less leave him leave with the letter of freedom, whereas the will of the Messi would keep on being the one to leave the Camp Nou.
As it has informed the Catalan press, the Barcelona president and Javier Embroider saw during hour and average with the father and the brother of the player and a lawyer of the family, Jorge Pecourt. In the meeting, Bartomeu insisted in that the entity culé want to that Messi follow, that have he to 100% and went back him to offer the renewal by two years.
Of the part of Jorge Messi, remembered that they asked the rescission of the agreement as they expressed to the Barça through the burofax the Tuesday of the past week, interpreting that the clause of leakage (that it won on 10 June) was applicable at the end of the season postponed by the pandemia, something that from the FC Barcelona does not understand of this way.
The Messi, besides, left clear to Bartomeu and Embroider that the '10' already has given by finalised his stage of 20 years in the club, and that by this reason has not gone to train this week. The two parts keep firm in his respective postures, therefore, and there is not agreement. Both edicts will follow conversing in the next days, but Messi keeps on being player of the Barça to day of today and the editorial of the agreement defends the posture of the Barça.
The City does not want to pay
Leo Messi, in this sense, could resort to the road of the 'tránsfer' provisional of the FIFA if it understands that the interpretation of the agreement gives him the reason, but for this would have to ask it a club that wish ficharle. For the moment, as it informs 'MD', the Manchester City does not seem had to assume said risk, to the not wanting to credit afterwards a price inasumible in concept of traspaso.
The 'citizens' want to to Messi with the letter of freedom, and the situation keeps in 'stand by' because the FC Barcelona does not think to leave him go out free. For now, Bartomeu has the ones to win in the pulse that is supported by Messi... Although the Argentinian keeps in his thirteen and, for now, does not seem that it go to attend to the trainings beside the rest of his mates to the orders of Koeman.
It will punish the Barça to Messi?
In this sense, will dare the Barça to sanction to the best player of the history of the club by disciplinary fault? The tensions have gone growing with the step of the days, but still could increase much more if the situation follows lengthening. For now, the serial follows without resolving and Messi continues being player of the FC Barcelona... Although it do not want to be it more.