Leo Messi, during a match


Support to Messi? The reactions to his agreement multimillionaire with the Barça

Published:31/01/2021 - 11:11h

Updated:31/01/2021 - 11:13h

After The World desvelara the details of the agreement of Lionel Messi with the FC Barcelona, the fanatical have dumped in the social networks to defend to his captain

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The newspaper 'The World' has desvelado this Sunday the astronomical figure with which closed Lionel Messi his renewal with the FC Barcelona, in 2017 when Josep María Bartomeu directed to the club, that rises to the 555.237.619 euros in the four years of agreement. The news has caused a revolution in the social networks, in where they divide between which consider that it is an agreement mutimillonario that ruins to the club and those who, by his part, defend to the Barcelona captain and remove him the 'fault' of his income, considering cuán important has been and is for the club.

In what they have coincided the internauts is that it seems very odd that in this moment, in the middle of the presidential elections, the irregular actuality of the Barça, the rumours that approach to Messi to the PSG and the confirmation of the Parisian picture of his interest by 'The Flea', in addition to the technical report or economic debt of the club, that exist a new leak with which, definitely, looks for desprestigiar the figure of Leo Messi.

In this sense, fanatical, journalists and personalities in the social networks have taken a moment for reflexionar on the situation that lives in Can Barça. The majority has coincided in that it treats of a campaign for desprestigiar to the Argentinian (by part of the same club, probably) and that, at the end of the day, Messi has been the one who has revalorizado the image of the FC Barcelona, in addition to his big contribution for the consecusión of titles in the last years.

The barcelonismo, on the other hand, sees like a worry that have filtered the agreement, by the reasons that are, to four months that Leo Messi finish his agreement with the FC Barcelona, considering that in the past summer was about to to abandon the club and that still has not decided if it will renew or no his agreement with the culés. This, definitely, could be a new reason so that the star of Rosario finish abandoning the Camp Nou.

"Messi does not have the fault"

Leo Messi has triplicado (or perhaps more) what has ingresado in his arks while it has been player of the FC Barcelona. The Argentinian, without place to doubts, is the 'culprit' of the success of the blaugrana and one of the reasons by what in each corner of the world there is a boy contesting a party of the football with a T-shirt of the Barça, dressing surely the dorsal number ten, by what the opinón public, at least up to now, defends to Messi and removes him responsibility of the economic crisis that lives the club in the actuality.

The journalist Achraf Ben Ayad has highlighted that has been Messi the one who has done that the FC Barcelona was still mås big. It wrote in his account of Twitter that the Baça "is a world-wide club, but a lot of sponsors in a lot of countries choose him by Leo Messi. Without him never they would have reached the 1000 million income. Never".