The Barça, without Lionel Messi, to a year of the burofax
Published:25/08/2021 - 14:49h
Updated:25/08/2021 - 14:50h
On 25 August 2020 the world of the football conmocionó in front of the decision of Lionel Messi to abandon the FC Barcelona. However, his exit did not arrive to materialise , since the club only would leave him go if some club paid the 700 million euros of his clause of rescission
The Earth has given a turn more since a news shuddered to the world of the football by some days: Lionel Messi had asked to abandon the FC Barcelona through a burofax. For this, protected in one of the clauses of his agreement that would allow him leave without cost before his last year of agreement. However, it finished leaving a year afterwards.
In his moment, the case occupied the main tendencies in the social networks. Nevertheless, the one who perhaps would have been one of the stages nefastos for the barcelonismo after a marked year by a sanitary crisis that affected the economy of all the clubs and the painful defeat in front of the Bayern of Munich in Lisbon by 2-8, did not arrive to consummate .
The Barça remitted to his clause of rescission
All was due to that the clause fixed in the document that linked to the Argentinian with the Catalan institution stipulated the possibility to communicate his decision to leave with 10 June like date tope. However, his surroundings would have interpreted that this could differ all time that the season had seen interrupted by the pandemia.
For when Messi made public his intention to abandon the club already had finalised the season. Whereas, to have it done according to the marked date in the agreement, would have left to the club to his luck with the decisive stretch of the season for contesting and an even worse denouement that the 2-8.
The news caused shock in Barcelona. But the club kept firm in what it established the agreement, and affirming that the only way to leave him go was with the payment of the amount of his clause of rescission by part of the club interested, a mount that it rose to the 700 million euros.
In fact, the Argentinian star had communicated with Pep Guardiola for tantear the possibility to play in the Manchester City, where expected him only if it arrived to cost zero. But no sucedió. LaLiga Approved the decision of the Barça and Messi had to remain a year more, until his course, that finally occurred little less than a year afterwards.