Lionel Messi is a footballer that 'generate' inside and out of the terrain of game. It is able to move masses and leave to million fans to the expectation of all and each one of the steps that gives. It lived it in the FC Barcelona and now is testing it in the Paris Saint-Germain, where without not even debut already has turned into an emblem for the Parisians, at least in the economic subject.

While in the City Condal are suffering the negative effects of the 'escape' of Leo Messi, with a fall of the sales of the T-shirts and some 'indifference' of the partners to assist to the stadium in the debut of the culés in LaLiga, in Paris the airs are very distinct and the revolution Messi already is giving a lot of income to the club, although it still has not jumped to the field of the Park of the Princes beside his mates.

The true is that, as it has informed the journalist Veronica Brunati, 'The Flea' already has his first record like player of 'them parisiens': they have sold a total of 832.000 T-shirts with the name and dorsal of Messi without having contested a minute with the team. That is to say, it is near to reach the million of sales; a factor that likes to Nasser To the-Khelaïfi and company from the offices of the club.

It is a historical and unprecedented figure, considering that the cost of the equipaciones of the PSG round between the 82 and 158 euros in the official shops of the Parisian group, that have not given supply in the last 72 hours to be able to attend to all the fans that, without place to doubts, are ilusionados with the arrival of Messi to the French capital and want to carry his name and dorsal in his backs to all parts.

The madness in France is so big that, only in the first day of sales, the PSG would have added to his arks at all more and at all less than 100 million euros. Only selling T-shirts of Messi. A figure entirely desorbitada and that resume, partly, the big effect that has Leo in his teams... How it will be when it debut and it mark?, it remains for asking .

It has not been the only attainment that has reached the Argentinian in his first days dressing the elastic of the Parisians. And it is that the effect in the social networks of the PSG has been immediate. Before the arrival of Messi, in Instagram the Parisians had 19,1 million followers. Right now, they add 46,1 millions. More than the double in hardly three days, without explaining the amazing quantities of interactions in his publications.

The debut of Messi has to expect

The illusion of the fans of the PSG is can see to his big idol in the terrain of game, but as far as has affirmed Mauritius Pochettino, is something that will have to expect. It fits to remember that Leo has been out of action from the past 10 July, when it won the Glass America with the selection of Argentina. Since, it has been on holiday enjoying with his familiar and up to now only has completed two trainings in the Camp give Loges.

In this regard, the Argentinian trainer of the PSG aimed that "it carries only two trainings since it played his last party in the final of the Glass America. We go to go step by step. When it was in better conditions will be able to debut", sentenced.