The exit of Leo Messi of the FC Barcelona supposed an event estremecedor in the world of the football, especially for the Barcelona picture. After 18 seasons, 779 parties, 672 annotations and 303 assistances, one of his greater idols, if no the biggest, sacked of premature and unexpected way. No it renewed him by what argued in that fateful communiqué issued on 5 August 2021, where mentioned "economic and structural obstacles", This translated in the impossibility to be able to carry to good port his registration.

Although they already have passed two years and some months from the announcement of the goodbye of the Argentinian star, still follow going out to the light several details that surrounded his farewell. In fact, in the program 'The Possession of SPORT', Juanjo Brau, the one who was fisioterapeuta and readaptador of the Catalan cast from 2007 until 2021, has exposed a revelador testimony on the previous hours to that the '10' of the 'Albiceleste' enterara of this unlucky event.

Leo Messi did not imagine his exit of the FC Barcelona

"Messi was pure feeling by the Barça. He did not expect his exit", began relating Brau on how 'The Flea' took the news. Later, the 'fisio' emphasized in the fact that the captain of the Argentinian selection did not expect that the situation of his renewal with the club finished of this way: "He arrives the Wednesday of Ibiza thinking that it went to sign, I had remained with him the Friday, had written me to come to train because the team was was".

The Barcelonan, in addition to leaving in clear the exclusivity of his testimony when ensuring that "this did not know it anybody", described the desazón of Leo to the enterarse of the news and the "disillusionment" that experienced when darse that "with a year more in Barcelona could have attained a lot of things, especially to contribute to the growth of the youngsters".

The Argentinian never doubted of his commitment with the Barcelona cast

The extrabajador of the Barcelona institution did not doubt in exposing the commitment that the left-handed always had with the combined Catalan, revealing how refused yielding offers of big clubs 'top' with the aim to follow defending the cause culé. "It refused important offers, of important clubs, also of the Real Madrid. He has been and is of the Barça. It was very Argentinian and very of the Barça, and when it spoke of the Barça was with feeling", desveló.

The homage that has to do him the Barça to the '10'

To close, Brau showed in favour of the initiative to surrender him a deserved homage to the historical '10' of the FC Barcelona in what it was possible, with the aim to offer him a suitable farewell to an idol of his category. "I think that it has to receive a homage, has to be a banner", concluded.