The trident of the FC Barcelona accumulates already 100 goals


The key of the success of the "MSN" in the Barça, according to Leo Messi

Published:7/03/2016 - 17:44h

Updated:18/03/2016 - 13:22h

The big Argentinian star of the FC Barcelona, Leo Messi, has conceded an interview in which it has gone back to put of self-evident the good tuning that is supported by his two mates in the flank of attack, Suárez and Neymar

Calendar of FC Barcelona

In an interview conceded to "The Chart", Leo Messi has gone back to speak on the existent chemistry between him and the rest of components of the offensive trident of the FC Barcelona, Neymar Jr and Luis Suárez, standing out that the fact that they are "Latins" favours the good understanding so much inside as out of the terrains of game, "The truth is that have a very good relation inside and out of the field. We carry us very well", it signals the "10" of the FC Barcelona. "We treat to work for the team and is very important that all feel us important. The confidence is the best for this", highlights.

In this coyuntura, Messi ensures, when they ask after him his connection with other forwards like David Villa and Zlatan Ibrahimovic, that desconoce why no congeniaron so well on the lawn as it does it the "MSN". "The truth that do not know, this goes out of each one and is not that the forwards that went did not find this feeling. We are human and the be Latin perhaps gives you more approach, do not know".

Messi ensures also that it does not exist rivalry for treating of the big stars of the three main selections of America. "We work for the Barcelona and there is not rivalry. We are professional, when each one represents to his selection change the papers, but there is not rivalry or clash". And Messi regrets, as it has done always, have not achieved to win still any title with the selection of Argentina.

"All what loses with the selection distresses me, because I know that we would have to have won. In the World-wide and in the Glass America did merits for this". With 49 goals with the albiceleste, is to so only seven of Batistuta at most goleador historical of Argentina. However, Messi would change his goals by some title with the selection. "I prefer to win something important with the selection, although it was with a goal against of the rival team. They do not interest me the records, although here they are, but this does not do you win titles", says Messi.

"The Flea" has gone back to leave clear that does not exist rivalry with Cristiano, but each one does his work. "We are professional that defend to our teams, and are rival of game, but at all more than this. Sometimes it touches us win and sometimes touches us lose. Never there was more than respect". No descarta, finally, can withdraw some day in an Argentinian club. "It is something pending and that would like me can do".