Héber Lopes, warning to Alexis Sánchez in the final of Glass America


The referee that conmovió with the desolation of Messi

Published:28/07/2016 - 11:04h

Updated:28/07/2016 - 11:04h

The referee that directed the last final of Glass America between Argentina and Chile, Héber Lopes, has ensured in an interview that he also suffered in his own meats the terrible sadness of Leo Messi after losing a new final

Calendar of FC Barcelona

In some statements collected from the American continent, the one who went the referee commissioned to arbitrate the final of Glass Centenarian America 2016 between the selections of Argentina and Chile, Héber Lopes, has explained that conmovió with the big desesperanza of Leo Messi just after failing one of the penaltis decisive in the final batch against the combined Chilean.

The Brazilian referee has not doubted to the hour to highlight the good attitude and behaviour that had Leo Messi during the final, without falling in protests neither pretend hard entrances. "It is one of the most polite players that arbitrated, by the repercussion and by his name. It is very educated with the opponents, also", affirms Lopes.

"We also feel the pain of Messi for having lost"

"It does not bring problems during the game. Has a stressed humility. The people sees to players of lower level and have a different behaviour. This, with him does not happen", adds on the "crack" Argentinian of the FC Barcelona, that still does not have retractado on his decision to abandon the albiceleste.

Héber Lopes Remembers perfectly the moment in which Leo Messi desmoronó does some months, just after failing a penalti vital in the batch. "The ball almost goes out of the stadium. Here you think how it can occur him to a player of this level".

And Lopes, finally, recognises that it has remained him recorded an image in the mind, the one of Leo Messi seated only in the bench, desconsolado and without believing still the have lost a new final with Argentina. "To the term of the game, an image that marked me was to see to Messi in the bank of acting, seated and only. Here I thought that he represents what represents. We feel his pain to having lost".

Now, Leo Messi finds training already in the "stage" of pre-season of the FC Barcelona in Saint George's Park, and seems that little by little it begins to recover anímicamente of the occurred does so only a few weeks in United States.