Xavi Hernández's role for Messi's return to Barça

Published:26/09/2022 - 01:03h

Updated:26/09/2022 - 09:45h

FC Barcelona intends for Lionel Messi to return to the club during 2023, after his contract with PSG ends. Xavi Hernández could be key in the operation

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The rumours on the possible return of Lionel Messi to the FC Barcelona have not detained . Although the Argentinian footballer has left clear that will not argue his future until after the dispute of the World-wide of Qatar, the Barcelona picture follows trusting that, when it arrive the moment, will be able to seat to negotiate with 'The Flea' for his last dance in the Spotify Camp Nou.

Messi has agreement with the Paris Saint-Germain until 30 June 2023 and the possibility to extend his bond by a season more, but until the moment has not seated to negotiate with the Parisians. The sportive adviser of the club, Luis Fields, aimed recently in 'RMC' that "pregunté to Messi if it wants to remain and said him that I expect that it remain during the three years that have of agreement. I am very satisfied with Leo".

It is not a secret for anybody that, although it cost him adapt in his first season in the Park of the Princes, in this year is recovering his best version and has seen him freer in the field, accompanied by Neymar Jr and Kylian Mbappé. From the French capital want to do until the impossible so that it do not leave , by what from the Barça are forced to design his strategy from a lot before to convince him.

As it has commented the journalist Gerard Romero in his channel of Twitch, Xavi Hernández could have a key paper so that Leo Messi go back to get dressed of Barcelona from the next season. It has aimed that the trainer of Terrassa would provide all what needs the attacker rosarino so that have a perfect season in a 'last dance' with the picture of the City Condal.

The plan of the Barça

This Saturday 'Sportive World' aimed that from the Spotify Camp Nou are beginning to trace a plan for a 'reunion' that clean asperezas in the relation between Joan Laporta and Messi, that cooled a lot after the exit of the footballer in 2021 because the club could not renew his agreement in this moment by the big problems with the 'fair play' financial.

There are several stages and possible results: from a homage to recognise his path, until the ofrecimiento to turn into world-wide ambassador of the club and the option that it return in 2023. That is the big aim of the maximum mandator of the Barcelona club, but knows that it will not be a simple task.

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