Leo Messi, during a party of the FC Barcelona


What 'El Mundo' didn't tell you: Leo Messi generates more than it costs

Published:31/01/2021 - 19:50h

Updated:1/02/2021 - 18:56h

'The World' desveló the agreement that Leo Messi signed in 2017 for embolsarse 555.237.619 euros in four years. Nevertheless, it did not explain all the money that generates

Calendar of FC Barcelona

This Saturday, the newspaper 'The World' published the figures of the agreement that Leo Messi signed in 2017 with the FC Barcelona to win 555.237.619 euros​ in hardly four years. The Madrilenian media took advantage of a leak of uncertain origin to initiate a new campaign of desprestigio for the figure of the best footballer of the history. Informations published with very bad idea.

'The World' titled the news with a sentence very tendenciosa: "The Pharaonic agreement of Leo Messi that ruins to the FC Barcelona". The informations, tested to base of documents, added that these 555.237.619 euros are "the sum of fixed wage, rights of image, a series of prime unpublished multimillionaires to date, diets and a rosary of variables depending on diverse aims".

What did not explain is that, in spite of the astronomical figures of the agreement of Leo Messi, the Argentinian star goes out him profitable to the FC Barcelona by the big quantity of profits that generates. In spite of that the informations of 'The World' are some, are published to very bad idea, possibly with the intention of desprestigiar to the best player of the history, throw him of the club and damage even more the crisis of the Catalan entity.

The economist Marc Ciria, through 'Digital Freedom', ensured that Leo Messi generates much more of what costs. "Messi is the fundamental part of the atypical income of the Barça. I am analysing how much money generates for the club and the figure is between 250 and 300 million annual euros. If his gross wage is of 140, like minimum the Barça has 100 million profit", explained.

The economist and partner founder of Diagonal Investments ensured also that the sponsors of the FC Barcelona "renew year to year" by the fear to that Leo Messi abandon the club to final of season. On the other hand, Belt Ajram, ex manager of activation of sponsorships of the club, ensured that that the marks "do not dare to renew by three or four years more because desconoce which will be the value of the club without this player".

The ex manager of activation of sponsorships of the club added that "in turn them of the last five years 50% of the income depended on that Leo Messi played the parties". Belt Ajram left very clear also that Leo Messi gives a lot of money to the club and, by all these data seems evident that what the Argentinian star perceives in his agreement is compensated by what generates.

The goodbye of Leo Messi also would affect to LaLiga

Francesc Cross, vice-president of the agency of márketing sportive Octagon in Spain and academic director of the Sports Management School, ensured in statements for EFE that "the course of Leo Messi would affect sure in the negotiation of the television rights" of LaLiga Santander. Therefore, neither it interests him to the national championship lose to the Argentinian star.