Arthur Melo did not want to move of Barcelona and refused to the Juventus of Turín in several occasions, but at the end has finish yielding and leaving to the group bianconero. After a lot insist, so much the Barça like the Juve attained to convince to the Brazilian, that will put course to the 'Vecchia Signora' in what it finalise the Champions League. But this traspaso has not left to a lot of satisfied people, further of to the club and of the Italians, that are loved.

The big majority of the fans does not approve the course of the of Goiana, the same that the own changing room of the team barcelonista. The mates of Arthur are not happy by how has carried this subject the club neither by how has done it Quique Setién, that left to the bad midfield player in the previous press conference to the party in front of the Celtic of Vigo. The last previous days to that announced his signing by the Juve have not been at all easy for the international 'canarinho', that at least always has received the support of his mates.

The staff of the Barcelona, as it aims 'Sportive World', always has been slope of Arthur to leave him clear that did not agree with his course. Privately they ensured him that they did not understand the pressure of the club and also that they did not support the words of Setién in the previous of the crash against the Celtic. "It is not the first player neither goes to be the last with high expectations, but that at the end do not go out the things as it expects ", said the trainer of Santander.

These statements did not like at all in the changing room, that definitely did it to him pay to the míster with the 'dart' of Luis Suárez​ after the meeting inVigo . "Lose out of house? For this are the trainers, to analyse these situations. We treat to contribute all what have inside the field", said the charrúa, aiming directly to Setién. This subject with the Brazilian has finished to light to the footballers, that right now are not very of good with his trainer.

The heavy weights of the Barça think that the Cantabrian has not been just with his mate and the tightnesses/tightnesss between both parts are being more evident each day that happens. The ex of Guild had to be important in what it remains of League and in the Champions League, but right now anybody knows which paper will have in the Barça of Setién. Traspasado And with a mosqueo important with his technician, the footballer seems to be more was that inside in mental terms.

Arthur finish yielding and looked for a contratazo in Turín

The midfield player of Goiana tried by all the means remain in the the City Condal and went out to speak in public in several occasions so that they left him in peace. The problem was that neither in the Juve tired to insist neither in the Barça to put him in the market. At the end it tired of oponer resistance and looked for the best for him in economic terms. In Turín will win the double of what wins in Barcelona and there will try to become this 'new Xavi' that aimed to be in his starts like Barcelona.