Arthur in a match of Barça in LaLiga | FCB


Luis Suárez Miramontes continues his crusade against Arthur

Published:14/06/2020 - 17:41h

Updated:14/06/2020 - 17:41h

Arthur played for Barça again this Saturday in LaLiga, and his substitution against Mallorca made people talk. Luis Suárez Miramontes continues his crusade against the brazilian and criticized him again

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The FC Barcelona premièred with victory in the resumption of LaLiga, and Quique Setién exposed his plans in Mallorca. The technician has warned that in an end of season so tightened and demanding the rotations will become the norm, but already could extract some clear conclusions of his eleven initial in the stadium of Sound Moix. As it was to expect, the decisions of the Cantabrian were very commented in the means.

Luis Suárez Miramontes continued a day more his crusade against Arthur, to the one who does not want to see neither in painting. The one who was legend of the Barcelona group and of the Inter of Milan, only Balloon of Spanish Gold of the history, has ensured in several occasions that does not understand the insistence with the ex of the Guild of Carry Cheerful, since it does not seem him that it was a footballer with the necessary capacity to triumph in a big.

"Arthur? Still they are us selling that it is a player for real", espetó the Galician when they asked after him the one of Goiania, in concrete, when it was questioned by his price in a hypothetical traspaso. Although the youngster repeats by active and by passive that does not wish to move of the Camp Nou, the rumours do not cease in Italy, since in spite of turning off the interest of the 'nerazzurri', the Juventus has not thrown the towel in his incorporation.

In his interventions in the 'Chain BE', the one of The Coruña has attacked repeatedly to the Brazilian, demanding his place for another star or for algun young of the Masia. "Arthur up to now has not done at all. It could not have done Aleñá the same? If a player comes of out, has to play to a high level. When they speak here in Italy of Arthur, seems that they are selling to Peeled. They do not have to have it seen", expressed does not do a lot, and finished: "Sometimes fichan players by the fact to be Brazilian and for being Brazilian do not play well".

Arthur begins another examination in the Barça

The insistence of the Italians and the doubts of the Barça have precipitated another examination for Arthur, that this Saturday started from the bench. Setién Warned that it does not want speculations and that for the time being has all his effective, but considered, at least in the visit to Balearic, that those that were more in shape were Frenkie of Jong, Arturo Vidal and Sergio Busquets, that armoured the room of machines from the titularity.

In spite of everything, the crack had minutes of quality in the second half, in which evidenció that it needs something more than rhythm to be able to mark differences. The youngster was skillful in the management of the possession in front of a Mallorca that never surrendered, but showed more imprecisions of which accustoms and could keep growing in the next days. This yes, in addition to admirers, also has a nourished group of critics.

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