Marc Bartra in his stages in Barça and Real Betis


Bartra is happy in Betis... But he does not close the door to Barça!

Published:10/03/2020 - 09:49h

Updated:10/03/2020 - 10:38h

Real Betis beat Real Madrid on Sunday and left it without the lead of LaLiga. After the game, Marc Bartra said in an interview that he is happy at Benito Villamarín but does not close the door to Barça

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The Real Betis has been one of the big protagonists of the weekend, since it defeated to the Real Madrid and left him without the leadership of LaLiga. The verdiblancos arrived in full bad series but do not renounce to reach the places that give access to European competitions, and in spite of his paper of victims struck to the 'merengues' in Benito Villamarín and caused new changes in the high zone of the classification.

In an interview for the program 'Què t'hi jugues' of the 'Chain BE', Marc Bartra made an analysis indidivual and community of the season, and stood out the capacity of a group that needed a triumph like east. To the of Sant Jaume dels Domenys touched him speak of his past, present and future, and after explaining that it feels with confidence and in full form dared to launch a 'wink' unexpected to one of his ancient clubs.

"Right now I am totally centred in the Betis. I am feeling Me Very well here, although I never have closed the doors to go back to the Barça", commented, mentioning to the club in which I breed and in which it debuted in the football of elite before doing the cases in 2016. The Catalan no only does not have reproach for the culés, but it saves big memories of this stage: "I Was 15 years of my life there and were very beautiful".

In spite of the forcefulness of his statements, the defender cleared that his words are not directed to a traspaso, because it is happy where is. "I did a long agreement thinking in the stability, knowing that the Betis was building a project to grow. I am very centred in the club, me I'm sorry very mine", insisted, doing reference to his links with the Andalusians, that ties him until 30 June 2023.

The canterano barcelonista, that happened two years in the Borussia Dortmund before returning to Spain, explained that to his 29 years has a maturity that gives him advantage to the hour to confront to any challenge, a very favourable condition that, this yes, had liked him reach something before: "I Am in one of the best moments of my career, although ojalá the current experience had had it in his day".

Bartra Does not forget of the Barça

Bartra Recognised without cutting that follows very pending of the actuality of the Barça, in which it still conserves a lot of friendships. After revealing that some of the congratulations by the victory in front of the Real Madrid arrived of varied of his excompañeros, valued his current moment: "I Follow a lot of to the Barça. Have a lot of friends in the changing room and now besides is the trainer that did that it came here. There is split in which they go out them the things, others no so much... But for the moment they are well. They go leaders, although I think that LaLiga will decide by small details".

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