Memories of a Sevilla benjamin named Anssumane Fati
Published:3/10/2020 - 16:58h
Updated:4/10/2020 - 02:18h
Ansu Fati, the fashionable forward of the FC Barcelona, began to stand out in Benjamín of the Seville, of where it fichó the Barça. Tomorrow it will confront to the that went his team
Although the leading youngster of the FC Barcelona arrived with so alone 10 añitos to The Farm, the start of his training finds in Andalusian earths, in concrete in Seville. After a year taking part with the first team, tomorrow, Ansu Fati will confront for the first time to the Seville FC, first Spanish team in which it could play to the football and grow like person.
The observers of the quarry of the Barça only took a year and half in bringing it to Barcelona after seeing his tremendo potential. The first of his apparitions with the team benjamín sevillista was in the Mundialito that organised every year, in Portugal, Ricardo Godoy. Ernesto Chao, his trainer, summoned it for the tournament although the small Ansu still was prebenjamín and played against boys three greater years.
The Seville finished carrying the trophy of the championship, after leaving backwards to a big Ajax in the final. They explain the trainers that attended to the competition, that several teams demanded to see the passport of Ansu, as they did not think that a so upper player had 8 añitos, remember, three less than the rest of the players. In this team, would share changing room with Nils Mortimer, current player of the Barça B.
The anecdóticas scars of the small Ansu Fati
In his first trainings, something surprised to all his mates and trainers, further of his evident superiority futbolística. The recently arrived to the Andalusian city, lucía some full legs of scars and bruises. "In Bissau played in the street and bumped often with the doors and the walls of the houses, that are done of metallic sheet", explained Ansu.
An idol: Jesús Navas
One of the trainers of the formative football of the club sevillista, approached with the prebenjamín to a shopping centre; Ansu needed some new boots. After testing some pairs, saw some boots of violet colour, resembled those that carried his idol: Jesús Navas. After buying them, achieved that it signed them to him shortly after. Tomorrow, after almost 10 years, will be able to play against him.
The big bet of future of the FC Barcelona adds already three so many in LaLiga. In fact, in spite of having played two parties less than the rest of the competitors finds in the highest of the table of maxima realizadores. Taking into account the level of form in which it finds is very likely that achieve to see goal again; we will see if it celebrates it or no.
Ansu Fati Follows with the same humility